Five-point plan of Berlin against big criminal families


Drug trafficking, burglary or robbery are among the sources of income for criminal clans. The Berlin authorities are now preparing for the fight against the structures.

Several Berlin authorities want to fight together against criminal members of Arab clans. Under the leadership of Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD), they decided Monday night at a first working meeting of a five-point plan, which is the cornerstone of the German press agency .

It deals with the creation of a coordination office for the fight against organized crime (KO-OK), strengthened controls on badets and their confiscation, as well as prevention and withdrawal scenarios for members of the organization. the extended family. Geisel said: "It will be a long way, but we are determined to do it consistently and together." Criminal members of some important clans are repeatedly in Berlin because of drug trafficking, burglary or robbery.

Five measures against clan crime

  • Interdepartmental cooperation is at the heart of the agreement. In addition to the police and the prosecutor's office, tax offices, employment centers, the immigration office as well as district and youth district offices should also be involved.
  • Second, there are enhanced commercial and financial controls to prevent money laundering through fake shops, questionable bars, or other stores. All relevant authorities should give corresponding instructions to tax investigators of the financial administration.
  • Illegal property should be confiscated. The Attorney General's office needs to set up a special department to recover criminal badets. Tax investigators should be involved in estimating the badets of criminals.
  • Fourthly, even minor violations must be systematically pursued. This can apply to bad parking in front of bars as well as races with cars tuned or with weapons.
  • After all, the authorities want to develop concepts that, on the one hand, deter young men from starting the criminal career and, on the other hand, offer opportunities for withdrawal.
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