Lions' cave: rejuvenation – how the show unfolds


UBitte pretty nice: the ladies sat on the chairs, Carsten Maschmeyer and Ralf Dümmel were pinched and Georg Kofler smiled. It was the first official image of the fifth season. In the background, DHDL's expert fan could already see that the studio had changed. The lions have smiled at the camera – not knowing if they want to laugh after the season. Because even though the "Lions Cave" format has been a hit story for Vox TV for five years, it was unclear whether it would stay that way.

Because the great hope of other TV channels that the theme of entrepreneurship and start-ups has to be a guarantee for high ratings, has not come true. With "Start-up!", Sat.1 had designed the mission of the founder of the lion, Carsten Maschmeyer – and had activated the emergency brake after half of the season. Too bad was the luck. Anyone who wanted to follow the program could always do it on the net.

Also produced by Stefan Raab, "Ding of the Year" did not hit, odds fluctuated sharply. Nevertheless, Pro7 is still giving the format a chance for the coming year and is sending jury members Joko Winterscheidt, Lena Gercke and Rewe's Purchasing Director Hans-Jürgen Moog again in 2019 on the air. . And: already in the summer of 2018 Pro7 with ex-lion Jochen Schweizer, the filming of "The dream job" has begun. In the show, the entrepreneur wants to look for a general manager for one of his companies. When the broadcast is broadcast is not known.

Start on TV: DHDL remains a success

After singing strangers and celebrating dancers, the founders seemed to be the new carrier mbad of television producers. And then suddenly the strange engine stammered. Therefore, he has been closely watched by the success of DHDL, the mother of all the founders, who works in dozens of countries. Because, in camera, people from DHDL environment report that Vox would not have been surprised if the program had not had the same success. But the fall in quotas has failed. The kickoff of the fifth season was as strong as ever: 2.66 million viewers were present. During the season, quotas remained at the same level as in previous years.

Vox was almost unchanged started in the season. Only a new studio had donated the transmitter. And Georg Kofler, who replaced Judith Williams in 2017, officially shared the seat with her. Along with Frank Thelen, Carsten Maschmeyer, Ralf Dümmel and Dagmar Wöhrl, the composition of the jury has also been preserved. "Sony has a lucky hand in the lion selection, we are now a well-rounded team," says Frank Thelen star"And with Ralf Dümmel in the team, we no longer have to worry about the fact that there is no agreement in a show," he adds. it with a wink. It was quite possible during the first season, says Thelen. "At the time, Judith, Vulgar and I had entered into a pact to invest in the next product, whatever it was, otherwise there would have been no market."

DHDL brand with "honesty and realism"

The fact that the show continues to be at the top of this televised slot is probably also due to the founding ideas, which have further increased significantly compared to the previous season. "The founders were even stronger than in previous seasons, which testifies to the quality of their founding ideas," says Ralf Dümmel star"In a word, there were more fairies and rust on the way out." Also Carsten Maschemeyer confirms star: "Already during the spring recordings, I felt: it will be even better this season: higher sums, more business, more brawl for startups."

This is also demonstrated by the sums invested: average six-figure investments, sometimes even one million euros, are no longer a rarity. If, in the initial stages, more amounts in the five-digit range are required, the founders can now get more. Because their ideas are more mature, promise more success, serve a larger market. It also keeps the audience happy. "The better the inventions and the stronger the presenters, the better we take the lions," says Maschmeyer. "In this season, there were just more convincing founders and even more intriguing products, and then, of course, they are particularly eager to invest in. is that more and more digital products, even with artificial intelligence, are presented in the cave for example, the Finanzguru banking application or technical innovations such as the electric rollator ello. "According to Frank Thelen, however, it's not just good ideas for the founders: "What we must not forget: everyone who sits is investing their own hard-earned money, so it's no wonder we're fighting to get a good agreement. " Honesty and proximity to reality make the show unique

DHDL: GoLeyGo in the test: what is the dog leash for?

No more fighting between lions

But not only were the founders themselves strong, but the lions also had to bring a thicker coat this season. Because the fight for the best founders has unfolded in the ice. Georg Kofler caused a sensation by making an offer to Kokoschips' founder, Pook, who was "only 60 seconds". To strike without listening to the other lions? And maybe miss a better offer? The media professional Kofler has bet, the agreement was signed by Dümmel. But such actions create tension, says Dümmel. "For lions, it became even harder, the competition was excellent." The contract for the GoLeyGo dog leash is also turned into a tough battle. While Maschmeyer, Wöhrl and Kofler were still talking to each other at the back of the studio, Thelen and Dümmel signed the agreement in the lead. "Shit" Maschmeyer found the action, "a clear break between the rules". The initiates of the series report that after the pitch in the studio should have gone up very high, Vox had to smooth the waves. But Maschmeyer's big tie can also be explained differently: the day of the shooting of the ground, he learned that his startup program on Sat.1 escaped.

High level founders and belligerent lions – the system seems to work. The program creates the dividing line between a three-hour commercial show and an honest founding show. For the fact that an appearance in the cave has become a powerful marketing tool – regardless of an agreement – the founders have understood for a long time. If investors and founders meet then, viewers may badume they will soon discover the product in their supermarket around the corner. This is responsible Ralf Dümmel, who pushes his contracts with enormous power in the trade. And the other lions have followed suit: for the start-up to be successful, we must take advantage of the momentum of the show. Distribution channels and cooperation with online shops and retail have become indispensable.

Changes in the "Cave of Lions"

So everything in the lion's den? Not quite! "A big part of our job is developing the" Lions Cave "format carefully and aggressively every year," said Kai Sturm, editor and head of Vox Entertainment. "Each year, it becomes increasingly clear that" Lions Cave "is the optimal win-win situation for all involved, and that the program can change lives completely and has proven to do so multiple times. time." It's the right storm, but the program is facing a change.

Together with Nils Glagau, head of Orthomol Vitamins, a brand new lion will be added in 2019 – no investor has left the jury yet. At 42, the investor is not much younger than Judith Williams (46) or Frank Thelen (43). Nevertheless, some people well aware of the show suspect that the enthusiastic and health conscious investor has also been chosen to better reach the target group of young people. That would not be unimportant, after all, the show regularly wipes out the win of the day in the ratings of 14 to 49 year olds.

Zoff between Georg Kofler and Judith Williams

In addition to the new face of the jury, Alt-Löwen is changing: Georg Kofler and Judith Williams have separated to work. Williams was particularly reluctant to cope with the current season, only twice that she hit, one of them broke after the series, another was changed so that & # 39; She is not even invested. So far, Williams' investments have been made as part of the joint venture with Georg Kofler. It is unclear how this should be regulated in the future. The fact that the show is worthwhile for Williams is also uncertain. Nevertheless, you and all the lions have signed, the jury will do with the new lion and 2019 contracts. However, a statement by Frank Thelen prompts you to sit down and take note of it. He recently told BamS: "All I can say is that I will not stay with the lion's den forever". This seems very good after the goodbyes. "For the outside world, DHDL only works 12 weeks a year, but my team and I have been working tirelessly with the program's startups for about 5 years now and helping to start businesses," says Thelen. star,

More "Shark Tank" instead of "DHDL"

Now seven lions. It is unlikely that they will be displayed at the same time in front of the camera. Instead, there is a construction such as the American model "Shark Tank": the jury still sits in different constellations, which makes it exciting: for the founders who can not focus on a wish of the lions, but in depending on the composition of the other arguments for their business. But the viewer also benefits, because a constantly evolving jury contains new points of friction, but also new alliances. "Sony and Vox have come a long way in the past to make interesting changes or creative adjustments at one time or another, just as it is planned for the sixth season that there will be seven lions for the first time times, each with different times as investors, "says Maschmeyer.

DHDL in the future twice a year?

But these are not the only changes that Vox is planning for the coming season. Insiders report in camera, it could also change something. Until now, viewers are broadcast twelve times a week, starting in September. The Sony production company and the Vox TV channel must negotiate to develop this structure. According to insiders, more broadcasts could be added and in the future, a new season, DHDL, would be broadcast twice a year. But negotiations were going on. Vox himself does not want to comment on the rumor and points out that intensive discussions are currently taking place for the new season.

It is clear that the public can expect changes after five years of success on the lion's den. Or in other words: the public will have to change. Because with a new lion and a changing jury, the program will change. That it pleases the spectators,

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