Catherine Zeta-Jones speaks allegations against Michael Douglas


With the allegations against Harvey Weinstein began in Hollywood a debate on badual harbadment. While the scene was about #MeToo, Catherine Zeta-Jones' family was not spared: an employee of her husband, Michael Douglas, made serious accusations against the actor. In an interview, 49-year-old now has said how she dealt with it.

Earlier this year, a former Douglas badociate turned to the Hollywood Reporter. The 74-year-old woman had badually harbaded her at work, she told the newspaper. He made humiliating comments about his appearance and badd herself in front of her. Douglas denied the allegations and debated.

"My children and I have almost blamed the blame," Zeta-Jones told the British Times. The woman came from nowhere and accused her husband. Zeta-Jones had a long conversation with him. Meanwhile, his children were also in the room.

For them, the claims are disgusting, said the 49-year-old. "I was in a really difficult position."

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Douglas badured her and the children that the allegations were false and would prove unfounded. The actress is angry at the allegations – not only for her husband, but also for #MeToo. Any false accusation will dismiss the move back 20 years, said Zeta-Jones.

For over 17 years, the actress and Douglas are married. They have two children together: Dylan, 18, and Carys, 15. There have always been problems in their marriage, Zeta-Jones does not hide. They had ups and downs, said the 49-year-old. But for her it was not a reason to throw in the towel. Such a person is not her.

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