Letter not served: the rejected asylum seeker must be brought back


Germany Undelivered letter

Rejected asylum seeker must be brought back

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Unsuccessful asylum seekers climb to Baden Airport as part of a national collective deportation by plane Unsuccessful asylum seekers climb to Baden Airport as part of a national collective deportation by plane

Unsuccessful asylum seekers climb to Baden Airport as part of a national collective deportation by plane

Source: dpa / Patrick Seeger

A 27-year-old man must be mined from the state of Hesse and Russia. The reason: although the young man 's asylum application was rejected, the decision was not sent to him before the expulsion, but correctly.

reThe state of Hesse has to bring back an asylum seeker who was deported to Russia. According to the decision of the Administrative Court of Gießen, the expulsion of the Russian citizen on November 13 was illegal, said a spokeswoman for the court.

The Hessischer Rundfunk had already reported on the case. Aged 27, he is the first asylum seeker of recent years to come from Hesse, and must be brought back to the Ministry of the Interior.

When the man returned to Germany, at first it was not clear. The court has set a deadline of 5 January. The man was in Armenia for the last time and had to report to the German embbady, ​​his lawyer Serhat Atalan said Tuesday.

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) had rejected the application for asylum from the man. However, this decision was not duly notified to the man after the court decision.

The young man asked for asylum in 2015 with his mother

The man was able to complain too late of his refusal. The BAMF, on the other hand, badumed that the trial was over. This had been communicated to the Giessen Regional Council and this resulted in deportation.

"The Federal Office could not badume that the postman did not conscientiously perform his duties and that the accommodation facilities in the community did not have a mailbox," BAMF said on request.

The asylum seeker requested the representation of his lawyer in 2015 with his mother, asylum in Germany. They were Yazidis and felt persecuted as members of this religious minority in Russia. The 53-year-old mother is in a wheelchair after a stroke and needs help. For him, he had obtained the prohibition of expulsion, said the lawyer.

This is not the first time that an expelled asylum seeker has to be brought back to Germany for procedural errors committed abroad. In August, it was learned that the repatriation of seven asylum seekers wrongly deported had cost Germany about 22,000 euros. In all cases, the Federated States and the municipal immigration authorities had ordered deportation before the end of the proceedings.

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