Stephen Hillenburg: The inventor of Bob Sponge dies with 57 people


His "Pacific Nonsense" has made millions of children and adults laugh over the last two decades: the creator of the animated series "Spongebob Squarepants", Stephen Hillenburg, has pbaded away.

As the Nickelodeon transmitter announced Tuesday, Hillenburg died at the age of just 57 from his ALS – related illness, diagnosed in March of last year.

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Photo: alliance photo / PR ASSOCIÉ

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Everyone loves this sponge: "Spongebob Schwammkopf" lives with his friends in the underwater world of Bikini BottomPhoto: alliance photo / PR ASSOCIÉ

The children's channel airing the first episode of the hit series on May 1, 1999 wrote to Twitter: "We are saddened to announce the death of Stephen Hillenburg, the inventor of SpongeBob SquarePants, today we are watching a minute of silence to pay homage to his life and work. "

Stephen Hillenburg, the creator of SpongeBob SquarePants. Today, we are watching a moment of silence to pay tribute to his life and work. ?

Nickelodeon (@ nickelodeon) November 27, 2018

A more detailed statement said: "We are deeply shocked by the announcement of Stephen Hillenburg's death after fighting ALS He was a beloved friend and a long-time creative partner for everyone at Nickelodeon. his family Steve has inspired "SpongeBob SquarePants" with a unique sense of humor and innocence that has delighted generations of children and families around the world. Bikini Bottom universe will continue to remind us of the value of optimism, friendship and unlimited power of imagination. "

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