The coalition votes on the proposal: the Union is clearly behind the pact on migration



The leader of the trade union faction, Ralph Brinkhaus, is pleased with the agreement reached with the SPD on the migration pact.

The leader of the trade union faction, Ralph Brinkhaus, is pleased with the agreement reached with the SPD on the migration pact.(Photo: dpa)

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Union and the SPD agree on a motion in which they are clearly committed to the United Nations Pact on Migration. The vote is also clear in the faction of the Union. Immigration should be limited, regulated and controlled, says the head of the fraction, Brinkhaus.

The factions of the Union coalition and the SPD have agreed on a petition of the Bundestag in favor of the UN Pact on Migration. In a draft text, which has been discussed within the political groups, the coalition is clearly committed to respecting the rules. The covenant does not provide for "enforceable rights and obligations, or legislative effect or change of rights," says the bill.

The parliamentary group of the Union almost unanimously supported the motion. At one vote, the text was adopted with only five votes against and three abstentions. After the SPD has agreed with a vote against, as expected, the Bundestag must rule on the resolution on Thursday – as well as on competing submissions from the opposition. The text will then be voted in December at the CDU's federal party conference in Hamburg, despite the vote in parliament.

The coalition motion further states that the federal government must continue to ensure that the pact does not undermine Germany's national sovereignty and its right to "determine its own migration policy and the" Global Compact for a safe, orderly and sustainable policy. regular migration (GCM), no national sovereign right is transferred. "In addition, care must be taken to ensure that the compact does not limit or enlarge any German regulations.

Brinkhaus: "Wanting to limit migration"

The union leader, Ralph Brinkhaus, is congratulated in Berlin for the agreement with the SPD. "We want to limit, regulate and control migration," said Brinkhaus. For this, the United Nations Pact on Migration offers "a starting point". However, the vice of the SPD faction, Rolf Mützenich, also highlighted the differences within the coalition. "It took us several days to communicate," he said.

The pact should help organize, control and limit migration, while protecting the rights of migrants, as proposed by the coalition. "Germany can only handle this with its partners and an international approach." It is also stressed that the individual's fundamental right to asylum remains intact. Friedrich Merz, presidential candidate of the CDU party, had initiated a discussion on the asylum law.

The pact on migration is controversial in the Union. However, pointed out the vice-brother Stephan Harbarth in the SWR, the "vast majority" of the members of the CDU and the CSU are behind the agreement. The goal of the pact is to "reduce" migration. Similarly, the federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn. It is "international guidelines for migration". Spahn also welcomed the fact that at the CDU party conference in early December, he must now be informed in accordance with his request for a pact.

Wagenknecht and AfD against Pact

Sahra Wagenknecht, left-wing parliamentary leader, and Bernd Baumann, AfD's parliamentary director, opposed the pact on migration. The pact "goes beyond the heart of the problem," said Wagenknecht. "It's about preventing people from emigrating, that they do not see any chance at home," she said in Berlin. The migration of skilled workers also increases poverty in the countries of origin. Baumann called on the federal government to issue a protocol statement before the adoption of the UN Migration Pact to "ensure the non-binding nature of the pact".

Clearly behind the pact on migration, as well as the UN refugee pact, also planned, the Greens rose again. "We think it's good that these agreements exist," said group president Katrin Göring-Eckardt. However, the pact must be "then implemented in Germany".

The UN Migration Pact will set global standards for the treatment of migrant workers and will be adopted in Marrakesh in December. Although it has been negotiated by all UN Member States, some EU Member States have also moved away from the United States.


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