General Motors: Donald Trump threatens to cut subsidies


US President Donald Trump has threatened the automaker General Motors (GM) to cancel the grants. "Very disappointed with General Motors and his boss Mary Barra of closing factories in Ohio, Michigan and Maryland," he wrote on Twitter.

He recalled that after the 2008 financial crisis, President Barack Obama's government had rescued GM from the large-scale relief program. "The United States has saved General Motors and it is THANKS we are receiving! We are now seeking to remove all GM subsidies, including those granted to electric cars."

GM announced Monday a reduction in domestic production and therefore 15% of jobs. Seven factories must be closed, including four in the United States. The main reasons are weakening sales of small cars in the United States and rising material costs. Preliminary products important to the automotive industry, however, have become more expensive, for example, because of Trump's special tariffs for steel.

Herber back for Trump

"I am here to protect American workers," tweeted Trump, after already threatening consequences on Monday in the Wall Street Journal. He said he had telephoned the Group's chief executive, Mary Barra, to talk to him about "very hard" savings plans.

The GM boss has justified radical restructuring and austerity plans by the need to adapt to changing market conditions. In the future, GM will focus on producing the most popular SUVs and off-road trucks in the United States.

The group also wants to promote the development of autonomous vehicles and electric cars. On the other hand, the company wants to reduce the production of small and medium clbadic cars.

For Trump, the layoffs are a major inconvenience: he had promised to help the American industry to make a comeback and create more jobs than any other American president before.

However, the trade disputes initiated under its "America First" policy have so far had considerable negative consequences for US automakers such as GM and Ford (to learn more about Donald Trump's complicity here ).

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