Murder trial in Berlin: a passenger of death is blamed – Berlin


They want to know how unbelievable was born – why his beloved daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece and girlfriend had to die at the age of 22. Johanna Hahn pushed her bicycle on the sidewalk when she was mortally hit by a snow machine. The three detainees in the car were fleeing from the police. They had a booty worth about 300 euros. According to the indictment, however, Milinko P. wanted to escape "at all costs". With up to 160 kilometers to the hour. On Tuesday, however, he blames his co-pilot, who was also fatally injured in June.

P., born in Serbia, was sitting in blue jail on the first day of the trial in the District Court. The accusation is a murder. P. did not look up to the co-applicants on the other side of the room. "To date, no excuse has reached him," said lawyer Gregor Gysi, who represents the parents and brothers and sisters of Johanna Hahn. "The family is in a deplorable state," continued the leftist politician. He too knew the student. She was a clbadmate of her daughter. Johanna was a young woman "who worked for all disadvantaged people regardless of their nationality". She studied social work.

"He gave the instructions"

P., 27, and two Serbian brothers aged 18 and 14 reportedly broke a van on the evening of June 6, according to the charges. The civilian police had observed how the trio had stolen nine toolboxes and loaded them into a brilliant Audi from Westphalian Street in Wilmersdorf. When the suspected thieves left, the investigators took the persecution.

The defendant drove the rescue car. His parent, Danijel, 18, had asked him to let him explain his supporters. He himself had been in transit only in Berlin, he had not planned any robbery. "But I should have money." Danijel broke the carrier. "He gave the instructions." They were suddenly overtaken by a car. "Civilians jumped out of the car," said the defendant. "Mafia!"

Milinko P. does not want to admit that the police were on their heels. He also does not want to see him running in a Tempo 30 zone. He does not know how fast he ran in the west of the city. When Danijel, I asked for an even faster tempo at the corner of Windscheidstrbade and Kant, a red light for him. "He pressed my leg, the engine screamed," said the defendant. "I did not realize that a woman had been touched." He was really sorry.

He did not care who or what had fallen by the wayside

A wild escape trip that seemed to be under police control just before the dramatic end. Shortly before Stuttgart Square, the evacuation car was blocked by police with alarmed colleagues and their cars. Stuck by three cars. An officer came out and approached the Audi. But P. suddenly gave gas. He had a police officer trapped in a way that put his life in danger between two cars.

After the emergency car broke through the police barrier, P. gave gasoline. The prosecution badumes that he did not care who or what was left. He wanted to eliminate anything that prevented him from escaping. At least he accepted the fatal consequences of the trip. "That's what we determine in terms of speed," said prosecutor Hans-Jürgen Dorsch. At a speed of 80 to 160, P. ran into the intersection.

For Johanna Hahn, all help arrived too late that day. She died at the scene of the accident. A policeman and two female drivers whose car had been hit by Milinko P. were injured. The alleged thieves were also injured. The 18-year-old is so severe that he died a little later in the hospital.

Defenders will likely make police behavior a central issue in this murder trial. Finally, his client claims that he is "afraid of the mafia". The co-applicant wants clarity. Indeed, we must think about why the perpetrators would have pursued the thieves ever faster, said Gysi. "And why without blue light or siren." The process will continue on Friday.

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