After the death of Jens Büchner: his girlfriend believes: this weakness was condemned


Ten days have pbaded since Death of Jens Büchner There is hardly a day without a new title on this emigrated popular cult, which succumbed to cancer at the age of 49. The surprising death from "Goodbye Germany" touches the whole of Germany. But especially his family and close friends can hardly cope with the loss of the TV star. The painful absences of Mallorca-Jens, that makes one of the Marion Pfaff farewell letter published clearly.

After the death of Jens Büchner: Marion Pfaff publishes a touching letter of farewell

Jens Buchner and Marion Pfaff have been close friends for many years. Jens regularly performed at the Krümels Stadl in Mallorca-Lokal. The closeness of the relationship between Jens and the Mallorcan emigrant is also evident from the fact that Pfaff is the godmother of Jenna, the twin daughter of two-year-old Jens. Daniela Büchner,

Mourning for Mallorca-Jens: Was this weakness fatal?

In a handwriting Farewell letter, which Marion Pfaff published in "stern"she explains how she met the death of the emigrant cult. At the same time, it also reveals that Jens Büchner's extensive work and hard work has been fatal. So your life has been growing faster and turned like a carousel, "Marion Pfaff writes to her dead friend, and continues:" I hope your world will finally turn slower and you can rest in peace. "

Marion Pfaff, a close friend, mourns the late Jens Büchner

But in her detailed letter, Krümel remembers the positive side of her friend, who died far too soon. "You were the proof that if you really want to achieve something, you can achieve everything in life," said the local operator "stern". Many, like many others, Marion Pfaff, Jens Büchner, have provocatively in a way that made me think again. "Unlike all the negative voices, Jens Büchner managed to sit again and again.

Marion Pfaff reveals: Jens Büchner has long been afraid of a cancer

In the end, the adorable emigrant Vox could not win a fight: the fight against cancer. "Only a disaster has become your destiny: your biggest fear, at one point, of having lung cancer!" Writes Pfaff in his letter. On November 17, 2018, Jens Büchner finally lost the battle against serious illness. He was only 49 years old.

Read also: They said goodbye to Mallorca-Jens – CELA said Danni

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