Deleting Jobs at Builder: Trump Wants to Cancel GM Grants


Monday, the automaker General Motors had announced mbadive job cuts. The reaction of President Trump was not long in coming: he threatened the group to reduce subsidies.

In response to General Motors' (GM) drastic austerity plan, US President Donald Trump has threatened the builder to remove subsidies. His government is currently reviewing all government subsidies to GM, including those for electric cars, the Republican said.

Trump angry at GM

GM announced Monday that it would cut 15% of its jobs and close seven plants next year, including four in the United States. This is a serious setback for Trump's carefully constructed image, which is the engine of the American economic miracle. He is committed to preserving industrial jobs in the United States. He was "very disappointed" by GM's decision, he said, pointing out that although the group wants to close factories in the states of Maryland, Michigan and Ohio, none in China or in Mexico.

The US President recalled that after the 2008 financial crisis, President Barack Obama's government had rescued GM from the large-scale relief program. "And these are the thanks we receive!" Before the reporters, Trump said, "If a particular Chevrolet model does not sell, build a new one that sells better and continues to roll."

Criticism of those affected

Criticism of Trump's comments came immediately from the most affected state of Ohio. Democratic Congressman Tim Ryan said Trump had not moved his finger for GM workers. "Instead, they are now under the wheels of a corporation, the president has already provided considerable tax relief."

For observers, the automaker's decision for the US president is a bitter defeat – and a painful shock in reality. Because many think that Trump himself is partly responsible. The US auto industry is groaning under the tariff dispute initiated by the US president with trading partners such as the EU or China. "Tariffs on metals brought us about $ 1 billion in profits," Ford chief executive Jim Hackett said at the end of September.

More SUVs, fewer small cars

GM had justified radical restructuring and savings plans by "changing market conditions" – but also by "rising material costs". In the future, GM will focus on producing the most popular SUVs and off-road trucks in the United States. The group also wants to promote the development of autonomous vehicles and electric cars. On the other hand, the company wants to reduce the production of small and medium clbadic cars.

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