The Federal Network Agency threatens Telekom fine – but now really –


The Federal Network Agency has a harder pace and wants to force Telekom Germany to adapt its StreamOn product to existing European law. Today, the agency has "invited the network operator to adapt the" StreamOn "option in order to comply with the European rules on roaming and network neutrality. . "

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Nevertheless, the demand is not new. The fact that Telekom violates the network neutrality in several points, the regulators have already more than a year and have requested changes. Since then, the network operator has challenged the decision of the Federal Network Agency in court without removing two restrictions criticized. On the one hand, the provider limits the data transfer rate when streaming videos, on the other hand, StreamOn in other EU countries can not be used to the House.

Just last week, a court rejected an emergency request from the mobile service provider and confirmed that StreamOn was illegal in its current form. "As long as the order of the suspensive effect was negotiated during the urgent procedure with the Cologne Administrative Court, it was appropriate to suspend the execution," justified the Bundesnetzagentur recently on Twitterwhy she had been reluctant enough so far.

Deadline next week

This should now be an end, say the regulators, and let the telecom until December 4 time to say if the necessary adjustments are made. "If an implementation is not carried out, the Federal Network Agency plans to impose a fine of 100,000 euros for each telecom violation." On request, a spokesman confirmed that the payment would be 200,000 euros. In addition, the penalty payments could be "settled several times in case of continued violation", Telekom should continue to offer its StreamOn product.

In any case, the network operator does not want to be beaten. "We have received the letter from the Federal Network Agency and are considering taking further steps to continue to offer the popular StreamOn product," said a spokesman for the company. "We will use all the legal options."

The main proceedings concerning StreamOn are still the responsibility of the Cologne Administrative Court. The telecoms can appeal the court's decision in the provisional procedures of legal protection, which are judged by the Higher Administrative Court of Münster.

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