New anti-cancer drug: green light for Bayer in the United States


The US Food and Drug Administration has approved a new anti-cancer drug from Bayer in the United States.

United States The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave go-ahead on Monday with the use of the drug developed by Bayer in collaboration with the US biotech company Loxo Oncology. This reports Reuters agency Tuesday morning.

As a result, badysts trust the funds, which will be sold under the name of Vitrakvi, up to a billion dollars.
The drug can therefore be used in many cancers in which the tumors are affected by a gene mutation.

Bayer and Loxo have promised financial support to patients. The average monthly price is $ 32,800. If no clinical benefit occurs within 90 days, Bayer should reimburse costs, for example.

>>> To find out more: New method: How the body can fight against cancer <<<

Previously, it had been reported that last year 's exhaust gas scandal had brought the Volkswagen Group, the most serious crisis in the history of the company. In the United States alone, VW had to buy 500,000 diesel vehicles. In addition, the Group accepted the required compensation of $ 14.7 billion. With the resulting litigation costs, the company had $ 25 billion in compensation and sanctions in the United States in the previous year. But German automakers were not the only ones to record losses because of the US sanctions policy. Bayer and Siemens have also lost billions.

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