"Sing my song": This performance was embarrassing for Mark Forster – TV


Lachflash instead of contemplation!

Tuesday night, seven cheerful stars rang in "Sing my Song – The Christmas Concert" (Vox), the best time of the year. The musical show by host Mark Forster (34) has created a collective hilarity.

In addition to the fun games and the traditional Schrottwichteln course in the idyllic Elmau, you will also be able to sing a lot. The musicians could especially wish a song that one of their colleagues was allowed to present.

And that's exactly what cost Mark Forster a lot of wins. Marian Gold (64), the main actor of Alphaville, wanted to hear it, namely the clbadic par excellence: "Last Christmas" from Wham!

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Photo: MG RTL D

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/judith-holofernes-saengerin-der-band-wir-sind-helden-mit-mark-forster-200986191-58688794/Bild/3. bild.jpg «/>

Judith Holofernes, singer of the band "Wir sind Herden", with Mark Forster Photo: MG RTL D

Now, joking about his choice: "I finally wanted to hear the song in a good version." Mark's reaction, however, says a lot: "We can not really sing that without nesting," the singer retorted. Time already slightly shameful.

In order for the host to have at least something to laugh about himself, he distributed some very amusing Christmas glbades to others, then announced: "I take up the challenge and try to offer it with the greater respect. "

Folded only under condition. Even with the front row, Mark barely managed to laugh, switching to the Irish rocker Rea Garvey (45). Also at the chorus, he had to laugh again and again. A great fun for his listeners.

Forster went on to describe what went through his head during the performance: "There are songs you sing and you find it absurd to sing them, and then look around the round, where everyone had nonsensical glbades. was too much for me. "

<img clbad = "zoomable undulating photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/mary-roos-und 1280 "alt =" Mary Roos and Marian Gold with their glbades Christmas "data-zoom- title =" Mary Roos and Marian Gold with their Christmas glbades

Photo: MG RTL D

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/mary-roos-und-marian-gold-mit-ihren-weihnachtsbrillen-200986206-58688966/Bild/3.bild.jpg "/>

Mary Roos and Marian Gold with their Christmas glbadesPhoto: MG RTL D

There was still a lot of applause from his colleagues. Pop star Mary Roos (69) fluted: "How good is it!" Johannes Strate (38), the singer of "Gunslinger", enthused: "Did you do well, old man!" But the greatest eulogy has been addressed to Marian Gold's Mark, who has made it a song I'm listening to again. "

Well then Christmas can come!

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