It is missing 555 000 euros! FSV Zwickau before the financial ko?


Zwickau – The third division, the FSV Zwickau, torments the monetary worries! Due to the mbadive increase in sports spending and missing revenue from a planned friend, a hole of more than half a million euros appears.

If the financial hole can not be filled, threatens the relegation of the FSV to the fourth league.

If the financial hole can not be filled, threatens the relegation of the FSV to the fourth league.

The initial seasonal planning provided revenue of 6.43 million EUR, offset by expenses of 6.11 million EUR.

"Due to the composition of the 3rd league this season with prestigious teams (Kaiserslautern, 1860 Munich, Braunschweig, Cottbus), the sports direction of FSV Zwickau has caused the budget originally planned for the first team of two million to two, Increase 6 million euros to build a competitive team, "said the club in an ad-hoc message sent tonight.

At the same time, Stadionallee officials were considering earning income from a friendly match (70,000 euros) for which there was still no signature contract. In total, this results in a difference of 670,000 euros on the cost side.

Because the average attendance of 5700 visitors per game exceeds the calculated cut (5000) of 700 people, the deficit beats "only" with 555 000 euros. A thick board, it remains always that the Saxons of the West must pierce there!

This should be done with a whole catalog of measures. Among other things, the sponsorship will be expanded and the stadium rent will be reduced (€ 200,000 each) and a member cancellation (€ 80,000) will be charged.

"If we are able to raise the necessary funds, we must make sure that they are available not once, but every season, and we can also make the decision to outsource the first team to a company. " If we do not finance, we must realize that we and our environment, the FSV Zwickau have not been able to provide a competitive third division with the financial means to stay in the third division, "said the directors. generals, Tobias Leege and Christian Breiner.,

And further: "A controlled relegation to the fourth division will be inevitable."

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