Cathy Lugner: Grandmother Has Alzheimer's Dementia


Wittlich –

The erotic model is currently struggling with a destiny after the other …

Cathy Lugner is back: after being removed from the limelight in late October due to illness, she is back on the scene.

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The 28-year-old does not want to divulge the details of her illness.

Cathy Lugner explains the family situation

Unfortunately, Cathy is not the only one in her family fighting the disease.

When shooting the show Sat.1 "Promised privat – my life (almost) perfect", she talked about the sad situation in her family.

Because: Cathy's grandmother is seriously ill, she has Alzheimer's dementia and rarely recognizes her granddaughter.

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"It's terrible if she does not understand me anymore or recognize me anymore," Cathy said. The 28-year-old was once a real grandchild: "She was carrying me around!"

Cathy Lugner wants to help her mother with care

His mother Maria Schmitz rarely recognizes Cathy's grandmother. Cathy wants to support them now and dare to strike the right balance between public and private life.

She can not walk, she has to feed. It's a lot, a lot of work, what to expect from my mother. And as my mother is slowly falling ill and has bone problems, my sister is working full time, my brother lives in Vienna … So I am the only one who can take over a little earlier.

Since the former wife of Richard Lugner (86) has a lot of planned. Let's hope that the star of reality TV will be spared by fate.


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