Minister of the Interior: "We must erase the term e-sport"


The Minister of the Interior of Hesse, Peter Beuth (CDU), was expressed in late November 2018 at a press conference on electronic sports at the Gymnastics and Sport Congress in Darmstadt. "E-Sport has nothing to do with sports, we must erase this term"says Beuth, according to the Darmstädter echo. Beuth wants to ensure that the world of e-sports and clbadical sports are strictly separated.

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For e-athletes, the wording is bad: "This rhetoric creates a gap in the dialogue with the sport.. comments Hans Jagnow of the E-Sport Association Germany (ESBD) on TwitterBut apparently the interior minister of Hesse continued to deny himself as officials of clbadic clubs and badociations, also present at the demonstration in Darmstadt.

Ralf-Rainer Klatt, vice president of the state sports federation of Hesse, said about this E-Sport "Consider part of the digitization process of our company" should "who just arrived in the sport."

According to the echo of Darmstatter, the Minister of the Interior, Beuth, also spoke about the projects of the Grand Coalition in Berlin. "Catastrophic" mentionned. He expressed the intention of the government of the CDU / CSU and the SPD to recognize E-Sport in badociations and the law of badociations and to support the creation of Olympic perspectives.

The Interior Minister of Hesse justified his rejection of E-Sport by saying that he "bring the kids to the gym and the sports field" instead of staying alone in front of the console. as well "He stressed that E-Sport was not subject to the rules of sports federations, but to an American company"echoes Darmstadt.

There are currently many discussions within sports federations on e-sport. In October 2018, the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) advocated the term e-sport only for "electronic sports simulations" how to use football (Fifa 19). For digital action games such as Counter-Strike or League of Legends, the badociation should use the word E-Gaming in the future.

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