For the first time, trucks on the test track of the trolley line


For the first time, a truck rolled on the first test track in Germany for special trucks equipped with pantographs. Functional testing for the next commissioning of Highway 5 in southern Hessen would have begun, said a spokeswoman for the Hessen Mobile Traffic Authority. Tuesday night was the first time a hybrid truck trolley on the Oberleitungstrbade. First, it will now be checked on the test drives, if everything is working properly. Because it can only take a step at the beginning, the tests were placed on the A5, normally frequented, in the section connecting the airport Frankfurt to Darmstadt at night and evening.

Starting in mid-2019, freight forwarders using special vehicles will use the five-kilometer stretch with overhead lines on both sides of the highway. The system developed by Siemens tests the interaction of hybrid trucks for overhead lines with other vehicles in circulation. Electric trucks can recharge their batteries while driving to be able to drive as long as possible after leaving the highway. Vehicles must not stay on the streetcar track while driving on the highway, they can decouple to double and then reconnect.

The experience should go until 2022. Field trials are also planned in Schleswig-Holstein and Baden-Württemberg, but their implementation takes a little longer. The "ELISA" project (Electrified, innovative heavy traffic on motorways) is expected to help reduce exhaust gases such as CO2 that is harmful to the climate. The Federal Government finances the planning and construction of the project in Hesse with 14.6 million euros.

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