All drivers should know: the new symbol on the fuel tank cap is mandatory in Germany


For a moment, not paying attention and accidentally feeding the wrong fuel? This can be quite expensive. As soon as consumers notice the mistake, they must immediately stop the refueling process. You must not start the engine and the ignition must be switched off.

As a general rule, the tank must be pumped empty. This usually occurs in the workshop and costs, depending on the type of vehicle, between 150 and 200 euros, such as CHIP Online searched randomly in Munich.

"Insert a hose does not help," says a service employee. "A tank is tilted enough, a simple pipe would go nowhere." Therefore, the tank must be completely removed, then the fuel is pumped and at the end of the fuel filter is renewed.

If consumers have used diesel instead of gasoline or gasoline instead of diesel and have started the engine, it can cost several thousand euros. Then all the injection system must be replaced. "We then have to change the injectors, the fuel lines, the tank and the high-pressure pump," explains the workshop. "A total loss can not be ruled out."

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