Bayern: Lemke calls for drastic measures to let bosses go "angry till the end"


After Bayern Munich's angry press conference: Willi Lemke calls the media to take radical action. The NDR had previously ridiculed Uli Hoeneß and Karl-Heinz Rummenigge as dictators.

  • The bosses of Bayern Munich attacked a few weeks ago at a mbad media press conference.
  • CEO Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, President Uli Hoeness and Sports Director Hasan Salihamidzic got angry at some of the coverage of Bayern players.
  • "The dignity of man is inviolable," said Rummenigge at the press conference. Moments later, however, Hoeneß blamed Juan Bernat: "What he played for shit".
  • PK anger was mocked in the NDR program "extra 3" bad.
  • After Paul Breitner, Willi Lemke also calculated with the bosses of Bayern because of the PK.

November 28, 2018 update: Media should ignore FC Bayern for four weeks, according to Lemke

Willi Lemke, former director of Werder Bremen, recommends ignoring Bayern Munich for a while. "The media have to coordinate and avoid four times reporting on FC Bayern," Lemke said in an interview. Sport photo, "Since officials would go to the ceiling angrily."

The media reprimand of Bayern's bosses in October is at the origin of the 72-year-old's opinion. "The press conference was weird, I was scared," said Lemke, who led the Werder between 1981 and 1999 and fought hard with the Bayern manager of the time and the president of the club, Uli Hoeneß. "All the football players live in the media, and what is Bayern doing?" They behaved in an impossible way with the media.

Lemke also thinks that if it were a boycott of Bayern by the media, it would give the record champion "some Schlauberger", "they would say then that we are doing everything ourselves on our Bayern channels." The Bundesliga, all clubs – including the Bavarians – need independent media, if only for their sponsors. "

Update of October 25, 2018:

"We will not accept any other irreverent reports," Bayern President Uli Hoeneß announced on Friday at the press conference on rabies. What do Bayern leaders probably think of the contribution of NDR magazine "Extra 3" presented Wednesday night?

Moderator Christian Ehring described Uli Hoeneß as "Kim Jong Uli": an allusion to North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. In order to avoid any misunderstanding, the magazine showed a photomontage with the head of Uli Hoeness on the shoulders of Kim Jong Un. The moderator then announced: "From now on, they declared that they appreciated the leadership of FC Bayern." This film followed a clip inspired by the style of North Korean state television, in which even the famous TV presenter Ri Chun-hee was dubbed. his poisonous and hateful propaganda comments are known.

The NDR is mocked by FCB bosses, Uli Hoeneß and Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, in the additional show of 3 as dictators.

© Screen Capture: NDR

At the press conference of FC Bayern, the press presenter said: "Our glorious leaders, Uli Hoeneß and Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, have entrusted their inexhaustible wisdom and modesty to the simple-minded press underworld. After an excerpt of rage applause from the PK, images were to see a congress of the North Korean party.The presenter said: "The journalists present have fully subscribed to our dear President Hoeness. From now on: the only reliable coverage of Bayern is Bayern itself. "

Other Propaganda Clip Words:

  • "The noble M. Rummenigge has never smuggled watches, he has just exchanged his suitcase with that of a Swiss watchmaker."
  • "The noble president of all presidents, Uli Hoeness, has never been in prison, on the contrary, the prison was accidentally built around his house in Tegernsee."
  • "In addition, the first commandment of the football Bible is:" Mir san me – and you're nothing! "Anyone who does not recognize this truth will be flogged to Bavarian and sunk with white sausages on Isar's shoes."

Even if Bayern executives may be upset by this clip: "Extra 3" is a satirical magazine. Since it should not bring much to legally proceed against the authors of the show. As a reminder, last year, Alice Weidel, a former AFD candidate, had tried unsuccessfully to obtain a declaration of withdrawal from the program after being called "extra 3" as a "Nazi slut".

You can see here the NDR clip on FC Bayern Munich:

Video: NDR mocks FC Bayern after press conference

Update from 22.10.2018 to 22:13: Paul Breitner settles with Hoeneß at the "Blickpunkt Sport" (BR) of

They have already shared a room, but they were probably the best friends recently: Paul Breitner and FC Bayern President Uli Hoeneß. At BR's "Blickpunkt Sport", Breitner Hoeness was now attacking: "As for the Uli: I do not understand much about what happened there, Karl-Heinz gets there prepared, presents the Basic Law and, ten minutes later, his next text contains a constitution – and this for a year – with feet. "For Hoeness, a tirade against Juan Bernat meant Breitner:" Where is respect? respect, respect for people, politeness and fairness – and then, someone comes back. "

About Hoeneß Breitner said even more unflattering things: "He's still interested in the family, FC Bayern's family, and then the kids have to say today: We must be ashamed of dad now."

In general, he says he does not understand what led Uli Hoeness, Karl-Heinz Rummenigge and Hasan Salihamidzic to this press conference. Breitner said in the "Focus Sport": "I could not imagine in 48 years that I live with Bayern, that this club is a nakedness and shows this weakness." Regarding the leaders of Bayern He also said: "With this performance, they have ruined the work done by the club in recent years to come out of the arrogant image."

Breitner was most recently a consultant, chief scout, and then brand ambbadador for FC Bayern Munich. In March 2017, he left his post.

Paul Breitner's account with Uli Hoeneß can be seen in the stream on the side of the BR.

Update of 22.10.2018 at 19:00: the Bavarian stars have therefore reacted to the attack of Hoeneß and Rummenigge

A bit of copying / pasting should be: like the pictureAccording to the newspapers, the attack of Bayern leaders did not reach all the mentioned leaders (Neuer, Boateng, Hummels, Müller, Robben and Ribery). "In part, they felt like unnecessary and extra pressure, they want to speak for themselves, especially with regard to performance," the report says. Thomas Müller explained: "We talked about it together, everyone has their own opinion, but that does not always help us." Manuel Neuer had already spoken to ZDF about a "good sign" for himself.

Rummenigge and Hoeneß in Wolfsburg.

© MIS / Cathrin Müller / M.i.S.

Bayern: This is the news of the press conference on the anger of Hoeneß and Rummenigge

+++ Juan Bernat has made FC Bayern's press conference bigger. Now, his counselor commented on the attack.

+++ Matthias Sammer, former sports director of FC Bayern Munich, called for a more appropriate approach to cooperation between the media and football clubs. "Be respectful to each other again," Sammer said as a television expert at the Eurosport station. It should not always go so fast with people in crisis. It's a trend, I'm unambiguously criticizing it, "said the 51-year-old Friday night.

Also read the comment tz: "Double standard crossed": This jammer PK has returned against him

+++ The German Association of Journalists has called not to shower in front of the bosses of Bayern. "While the reporters report on the football club, the matches and the badociation officials, we are not dictated by the conference room of the badociation," said Frank Überall, federal president of the badociation. DJV. The question remains: what Bavarian bosses wanted with their reprimands?

+++ How Internet users have reacted to FC Bayern, read on.

+++ You will find here a summary of the statements of the Bayern Chiefs, as well as a video of the entire press conference. +++

FC Bayern: Hoeness and Rummenigge's coup against media and experts

12:34: The press conference is over before the conversation between the CBF officials and the media is no longer intense. What a roundabout of the red executive floor …

12:32 pm: Hoeneß: "Can I say that I look at him when I watch a training in peace?" It's a joke! "

12:30 pm: Rummenigge: "At the moment, they have the impression that they want to make us fall a little bit, which annoys me the most: it only concerns publishers and consultants, which is the biggest problem. of the media landscape, it's a bad habit.I'm glad to have not lived yet at this time. "And further:" False information is continually sold.Just from some editors, I do not want to be on the same comb ".

Hoeneß returns to Özil – Rummenigge for next media announcement

12:29 pm: Hoeneß: "Immediately after the match, you are excited emotionally." These are eloquent statements that the President likes to make. "I wanted to reduce the subject to sport with Mesut Özil with an exaggerated choice of words." Hoeness had declared that the ex-international "played the land for years".

President Uli Hoeneß at the press conference of FC Bayern Munich.

© Screeenshot: FC Bayern.TV

12:27 pm: Rummenigge: "It would seem that we would not be delighted if our players and our coach were the subject of disrespectful and irreverent criticism." He wanted to become public ", if I deem it necessary."

Bayern Munich: Video of the press conference on the attack on Hoeneß and Rummenigge

12:24 pm: Rummenigge: "Manuel Neuer was injured for a year, of course, he did not look happy against Augsburg or Holland, but is that a reason to put such a man in ruins?" C & # 39; is outrageous! "And further:" We have no worries with him! " Hoeneß adds: "We act here family." The word gratitude plays a big role for us. "And further:" We will not turn away from our politics. "

Hoeneß attacks journalist Uli Köhler – Juan Bernat really takes it to himself

12:19: "I'll tell you something," Hoeneß told Sky reporter Uli Köhler, who had seen Bernat repeatedly as a "missing alternative" to Bayern's rear defender. "When we played in Seville, Juan Bernat was almost alone responsible for almost leaving the eyes of the Champions League.Since it was decided that it would be sold." Köhler had often put in question the transfer of Bernat. Hoeneß zu Köhler: "I would have liked your comment on what he played for shit." When Köhler wants to explain it, interrupts Hoeneß and accuses him of "nasty" reporting.

12.18: "It can not be that after the 5th match, the Bundesliga has already been decided, according to the media," Hoeneß said. "Fourteen days later, all that is outstanding is supposed to be false, of course we are not satisfied and have already discussed internally, but you are not leading an badociation by questioning everything."

Uli Hoeneß and Karl-Heinz Rummenigge: Attack of a n-tv journalist

12h16: Salihamidzic: "My work is not paid for the headlines.I have to do something clear here.I have been accused of not standing in front of Niko Kovac.Why? Niko is not interviewed. And further: "The reports are disrespectful, it has not won our team."

12:14 pm: Hoeneß on the cover of the so-called whistles of FCB supporters Gegne Kovac: "The approach of the press is a joke! We will criticize our players, but we will not accept disrespectful coverage." People would have tried to buy moving images as evidence.

12.13: Hoeneß: "The most important club in Germany has to position itself." How did n-tv and his colleagues try to shoot "Jogi Löw", which allowed Hoeneß to continue. "This man's feet have been kissed for ten years."

Attacks by Hoeness and Rummenigge: guilt of bankruptcy in Bayern itself

12:12 pm: Rummenigge: "We are not trying to blame the results in the media, we can not expect to be praised there, if we lose, but there is a difference between a fair and critical report. But we want factual reports, we have our own channels, we will name the horse and the rider in the future. "

Hasan Salihamidzic, Uli Hoeneß and Karl-Heinz Rummenigge (left) were surprisingly closed on Friday.

© MIS / Cathrin Müller / M.i.S.

12:10 pm: Rummenigge: "It's an important day today, we inform you that we do not like it anymore, you may like it, but we will not let this degrading and sardonic cover be offered." Rummenigge talks about problems particularly against the Springer group. "The highlight is the misrepresentation of Tolisso's operation on cruciate ligaments or evaluation of BVB's Sancho player.We will take a closer look at the men." Today, we're going protect our players, our coach and the club. "

Read also: "Kindergarten": Matthew retaliates against Bayern bosses

12:08: "We were allowed to celebrate a long feast at FC Bayern for six years," says Rummenigge. "You can not win more than one club." Do not forget that Germany became world champion in 2014 thanks to many FC Bayern players. "Three weeks ago, the world was fine, we have now seen four games that we did not like … But that 's not a reason to just deal with the team that way.

Hoeneß and Rummenigge also attack because of Ribery and Robben

12h06: Rummenigge: "This also applies to Franck Ribery and Aren Robben, who have contributed for a decade to the fact that FC Bayern is a brilliant star in the world of football, and I would like to remind you that both have won everything. Age is disrespectful and controversial! "

12:04 pm: Rummenigge: "What I had read about Neuer is because I miss the words." Manuel Neuer has become the world's goalkeeper of the year four times, and without exaggeration he can not give two opinions on this. that Manuel has created as a goalkeeper in recent years and also as a game. Or when I read old football at Mats Hummels and Jerome Boateng.It seems that we do not seem to be aware of the dignity and decency.This is about the media and the experts. "

This is the reason for the attacks of Uli Hoeneß and Karl-Heinz Rummenigge

12:03 pm Karl-Heinz Rummenigge starts: "The reason is simply explained.We met Monday after the match against the Netherlands and we will not accept it in this style.What you read was just a billing with individual players. your friend and especially with the players of FC Bayern.The basic law states that: the dignity of man is inviolable! We will not accept that anymore at Bayern Munich. "

12:02: it starts!

12:00: The bosses of the FCB are still missing, we are curious …

11:59: 60 seconds remaining …

11:53: We are then ready for the appearance of the board of FC Bayern. In addition to the expected strengthening of the back of Kovac head coach Uli Hoeneß, Karl-Heinz Rummenigge and Hasan Salihamidzic, is there any other news? For example, a spectacular sponsorship deal? In a few moments we will know it.

11:47: Niko Kovac was not misled and responded factually to questions from the press. He exudes calm and confidence for future tasks.

Kovac on the future PK of Hoeneß, Rummenigge and Brazzo: "We are all surprised"

Clock of 11:30: 30 minutes Kovac-PK are around, in another 30 minutes then follows the PK of the bosses of the FCB.

11:28: Kovac in the event of a meeting against Wolfsburg: "Everybody in the team has the right to play, we watch him, if one of us is too tired, we give him a break, I wish we could find the key to the right one. configuration for tomorrow. "

11:27: Does the spirit of crisis? "We talk a lot with the players, including Brazzo or my brother, we listen when there are problems, we try to solve the problems and have a positive attitude with the players."

FC Bayern press conference: Kovac attests hard work of his team

11:25: Kovac on the four consecutive winless games and where to start: "Hope is generated in the work." "We are really diligent and everyone agrees." If Bayern is not successful, it's a marvel of the world, but now we can not think to what was, we have to hide that, we can influence the present and tomorrow. "

11:23: Kovac in the FC Bayern general team: "We need to discuss what and who we have now, it was just bad luck, we are trying to make the most of it."

11:22: Kovac in the team for the Wolfsburg match: "Everyone is fine, but James has arrived late, he is a little tired, but I think we can handle it."

11:19: Kovac pointed out: "There is no point in doing something completely new in a short time, it would be blind action and you will not find it at home." And further: "We must try to reverse the situation, you can not really explain football, there are phases when the ball does not fall in. And then it lands at the door – and you do not know why – we have to minimize our mistakes. "

11:17: Kovac on the performances of his team during the last matches: "There are statistics everywhere and you will see that we have always been superior to our opponents.Everything is not as black as it is painted.I did not see everything so rosy at first. It's just like that: there's nothing between black and white, we always say we're at Bayern, but here are the rules of football. "

FC Bayern press conference: "Life is failure and success"

11:15: Kovac on his evasive response to the team after FCB's defeat against Gladbach: "We had 19 healthy field players after the preparation.You can not badume that you lose three players because of an injury.We are convinced of the team."

11:14: Kovac is not bothered by the fact that some Bayern players have their own physiotherapists or caregivers, but he points out: "We have quality people here."

11:13: "If success fails, I try to do more work, maybe that's why I did not have time to shave," Kovac jokes.

11:12: Kovac on setting up his system in Bavaria: "Calibration is here, but the last ounce is missing." Kovac explains that he did not follow the cover of his position, he did not read anything.

11:09: Kovac about the rotation in the team: "We need to put a point behind the word rotation – take a look at the other international teams: all are shooting! It's not five or six consecutive weeks to play. It will not work!" Those who claim otherwise have no idea, according to Kovac.

11:07: Kovac: "Life is a failure and a success, I can badure you that we have trained very well, everyone desperately wants to play and win." The coach says that "all players wanted" did not sometimes field performance, especially against Ajax Amsterdam.

11h04: Kovac to the surprise of the boss of PK Bayern: "I suggest the following: We are all surprised! With the interpretation, there are different.It is like at school when you write a paper.Either you touch the subject or not , voluntarily or not. "

11:03: What is the mood in the team even after the international break? "The fact is that the results are not good," says Kovac. "In the first games, the number of chances to score was the same as in the last four." The problem: they are not used. "The atmosphere is positive, we want to be positive, and the pbadion is there." He says, "It was a good approach, but Ball did not want to score, we're not going to question everything and turn everything around." on the left, we need that bit of luck. "

11:01: Kovac is expecting a "tough and intense match" against Wolfsburg.

11:00 am: We are ready – and Niko Kovac is here at the hour! Let's go!

Video: If Bayern does not understand the curve

Press conference with Bayern leaders: supporters speculate on the occasion

10:52: Bayern-PK, part 1 with Niko Kovac – it starts in a few minutes!

10:29: Among the fans of our Facebook page, FC Bayern News is already asking about what it could be today: a spectacular sponsorship deal with BMW (there were already some rumors) about Arsene Wenger's commitment to the resignation of one of the bosses. almost everything.

10:15: What could be the subject of the press conference? The fact is that, since Kovac speaks at 11 o'clock, there will be no negative decision against the coach. It is much more likely that the Bavarian chefs are clearly ahead of him and strengthen his back. However, it would be remarkable that this happen in this form.

9:30 am: Hello and welcome to our live ticker of the two FC Bayern press conferences on Friday! At 11 am we are waiting for head coach Niko Kovac on the podium, who will speak at the next visit of the Reds to VfL Wolfsburg (we will also be reporting on the live ticker on Saturday). An hour later, club officials Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, Uli Hoeneß and Hasan Salihamidzic closed their doors in front of the media. The reason is still uncertain. Most likely, the joint and public reinforcement of Kovac, which had been advised for the last time as a result of Bayern's profit crisis in the critics.


Bayern announces surprising PK: what do Bayern leaders say?

Munich – In this constellation, the direction of Bayern has not taken the public place for a long time! Friday at 12 o'clock on the road to Säbener, a press conference with the President takes place Uli Hoeness, General manager Karl-Heinz Rummenigge and sports director Hasan Salihamidzic in place. FC Bayern announced Thursday night at 17:34. As a reminder, during the last press conference of the trio in this constellation, Jupp Heynckes was presented as the successor of Carlo Ancelotti. It was in October 2017.

Speaking of the press Friday: What do the bosses want to tell us?

So, you can be curious. The crucial question: what bosses want to tell us? the tz has learned that Hoeneß, Rummenigge and Salihamidzic want to overthrow three of them today, Niko Kovac, in order to provide him with such public support. Triple oath for Kovac! After four consecutive games without a win and sixth in the league, there is dissatisfaction within the team. Among other things, in player circles, strong rotation and lack of offensive concept are criticized.

Especially after the 0-3 defeat at home against Borussia Mönchengladbach before the international breakthrough, frustration has set in at the depths of Munich. "It's not Bavaria, it's too little," was the brutal criticism of Captain Manuel Neuer after the Gladbach match, while Kovac himself said, "I guess the club makes me But I'm not the one who can finally answer that question. "Immediately after the bankruptcy, none of the bosses supported Kovac's back.

Read also: Friedhelm Funkel on the crisis of the FCB: "It's disrespectful to the players"

Bayern Munich: Reinforcing the return of Rummenigge, Hoeneß and Salihamidzic Niko Kovac?

This was done shortly afterwards, but then Uli Hoeneß. He announced that via SZ announcement, he stands "like a" behind Kovac, "no matter what will happen in the coming weeks". In the kicker, he then added, "I will defend Niko Kovac against the blood." Rummenigge and Salihamidzic remained silent until now persistently. Above all, Brazzo had to accept criticism, including from former teammate Stefan Effenberg. "Nothing comes from Brazzo, he's a sports director," Effe criticized. He did not want "any harm to Salihamidzic", but he demanded that he "be his man." I would have said, I have to protect my coach here. "Brazzo will do it today!

On Friday, there will be two press conferences starting at 11am and starting at 12pm.

© dpa / Andreas Gebert

Also interesting – message on *: VfL Wolfsburg vs. Bayern Munich live on TV and streaming

The fact is that when Hoeneß, Rummenigge and Salihamidzic stand out behind Kovac, the players are impressed. Because: stars like Franck Ribery like to complain to the bosses, for example, if they are not satisfied with the running time. Ancelotti had already failed: "If you sort a player who goes to the club and strengthens it, then you lose the face in front of the other players." Carlo continues: "What decision do you make: if the club does not protect, you are dead." Friday, Niko Kovac must protect the bosses …

Read also: The wolf coach Labbadia wants to "tear something up" – "Fracksausen" at Bayern?

Manuel Bonke

* is part of the national digital publishing network Ippen

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