Board pension: payment of the new maternity pension until mid-2019 without request


As of January 1, 2019, mothers and fathers born before 1992 receive a half-yearly child care allowance for each child in addition to the pension. Until now, two years are already considered a period of education of children.

The new benefit will be paid in the same way as for the introduction of the maternity pension in 2014. Anyone who retires from January 2019 or more will receive the new maternity pension from the first pension payment and in will be informed in the pension notice.

For mothers and fathers whose pension has already begun, the additional payment will be automatically made by the middle of next year. As of January 1, 2019, those affected will receive an additional payment. This informs the pension insurance in a separate decision.

Insured persons who have not yet received a pension but who have raised children born before 1992 also automatically receive a pension insurance decision which provides for the recognition of further study periods.

Mothers and fathers who are already receiving a pension automatically receive the new benefit and must not make a separate claim. This also applies to survivor pensions for which childcare periods have been taken into account.

However, adoptive parents and host families are exceptions: if they can apply for the new maternity pension, they must make an informal request to their competent pension insurance institution.

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