Daniela Büchner: "Jens would be surprised to rub his eyes" – people


This Christmas that she will spend without Jens …

Eleven days ago, Jens Büchner († 49 years old), a cult emigrant, died of lung cancer. Finally at his side: his great love Daniela Büchner (40 years). Since the death of her husband, she has mostly withdrawn from the public. She is now turning to her Instagram fans for the first time with a message.

"I miss the right words to thank you, I am overwhelmed by the sympathy you have shown us over the last 10 days," begins his post by Danni.

"Jens should probably rub his eyes in wonder and ask: do they really want to tell me? Yes, darling, they really mean you!"

While for some now the time of contemplation of the year begins, for Danni and his children, the time of mourning begins.

"We are starting a new chapter with the closing of the funeral, we are trying to rest, to deal with what happened and to find enough strength for a new start," she said, wishing a happy Christmas to her fans.

"I do not sleep at night, I barely eat"

Seven days after her husband's death, widow Danni spoke to VOX about her feelings in an audio interview: "I have a pillow that was on his bed until his death and I still feel it, then I open my eyes and realize that it is not there. I do not sleep at night, I hardly eat, I only work.

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Photo: private

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/jens-und-danni-mit-ihren-zwillingen-jenna-and-diego-200977735-58699088/Bild/7.bild.jpg " />

Jens and Danni with their twins Jenna and DiegoPhoto: private

However, with the death of Jens, she lost not only her husband and the father of her children: "Our world is currently motionless, it is destroyed and remains motionless.Now that it's gone, not only has my husband died but my best friend, my soulmate.And it's so bad for me.I know everyone cares about me but no one looks like him.He was great.He was a wonderful man , with all the asperities. "

His fans ask him to remember Jens as "the chaotic and wonderful chaotic". At the end of the audio interview, she thanks for all her sympathy: "I thank every person who has written something nice, who thinks of us. At some point, we will meet again and I know only one thing: my husband misses me infinitely. I do not know what to say except, thank you and see you soon. "

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