Exhaust gas scandal: diesel drivers fail in Munich court


Christina Christmann is disappointed. She is one of the plaintiffs threatening to forcibly stop her vehicle because she refuses to allow the Kraftfahrtbundesamt software update: "I am not satisfied with the verdict. The rights become reality and refuse to play this bad software update. "

Action against the exploitation bans rejected

Christmann drives an Audi A4 from 2015. As she and others refused to have the software updated, the Munich registration authorities and district authorities prohibited them from continuing to drive. the vehicles – and they were right now: the administrative court in Munich rejected the prosecution of the operating bans.

Marc Malleis, one of the plaintiff's attorneys, said, "It's a blow, we're checking if we're appealing." The activity had to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and the principle of proportionality had to be respected.

Judge: "Diesel drivers are not the culprits"

In the opinion of the court, the approval authorities may order operating bans in this case. However, the plaintiffs can appeal, which the judge also recommended. The next instance would be the Bavarian Administrative Court. Until a legally valid judgment, vehicles can continue to drive. Christmann has not decided yet what she would do now.

The Munich judge called the regulatory authorities in the process of a moderate approach, diesel drivers are not the culprits, they were not responsible for this situation. He pointed out that some district offices and some cities waive exploitation bans.

The inaction of the other big cities was not decisive for them, answered the representative of the city of Munich. For them, protecting the health of citizens is above the interest of the individual, as she explained during the proceedings.

Applicants fear increased consumption and damage

The city of Munich and several district offices had banned vehicle owners from using them in traffic. On the other hand, the people concerned complained. They refuse to carry out the software update proposed by the VW group. They fear increased consumption and damage.

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