"Europe must become more political and stronger" | TIME ONLINE


Federal Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz has in an introductory speech at the
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin for a uniform legal framework for
Minimum wage and basic social security schemes in the EU. the
Competition in Europe should not be over
Working conditions, says Scholz. He renewed the
Application for European unemployment reinsurance. "We need a social Europe that respects its employees
Protecting workers from global competition is our priority.
social norms are eroded, "said the SPD politician.

The minister said the proposal deserved to be discussed
national minimum wage to be established, which represents at least 60 per cent of
national median wage, that is, the median income.
He did not name specific numbers. Recently
Scholz had made headlines when he had advocated a considerably higher minimum wage of twelve euros in Germany. Currently, the minimum wage is
at 8,84 euros. It should in the coming year to 9,19 euros and 2020 to 9,35 euros

Scholz also called for
closer political cooperation in the European Union
pronounced. "Europe must become more political, it must become stronger,
to be taken seriously by citizens
Europe as well as other states, "said Scholz.
The integration of the EU has so far mainly involved the production of a
common market. "It may be a
Because despite the prevailing and continuing approval of
European Union the number of skeptics and populists
Criticism of the EU is growing. "

The EU should speak with one voice

Scholz proposed to strengthen the foreign and security policy of the EU
before, in the medium term, the seat of France on the United Nations Security Council in a
Headquarters of the EU. "In return, France should then permanently
EU Ambbadadors to the United Nations. I realize that it is
This certainly requires persuasion work in Paris, but
It would be a bold and intelligent goal. "The EU should be part of the UN Security Council
The United Nations speaks with one voice.

Scholz has called for minimum taxes to be imposed on businesses at European level. "We must be international
agree on a minimum level of taxation. "He also called for a
common basis for the taxation of businesses in the EU and
the introduction at European level of the financial transaction tax
Foreign exchange transactions. Revenue should be returned to the EU, creating
Contributions may fall.

For the states of the euro zone should be a
Eurozone Budget and European Security Management System Eurorettungsfonds Existing
developed into a powerful European Monetary Fund
be. So, Scholz is behind the suggestions
French President Emmanuel Macron, for whom he is
expressly thanked.

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