New clue: in "Avengers 4", there could be another villain than Thanos – Kino News


In the end, Thanos is not the (leading) villain of "Avengers 4"? Again and again the fans are talking about this issue. A new book titled "Avengers: Infinity War" now provides new elements for this speculation.

Marvel Studios 2018

No other film in the history of cinema has had as many theories as "Avengers 4". While the fans are still desperately waiting for the first trailer of the upcoming MCU blockbuster, we speculate repeatedly, among other things, that ultimately, not Thanos, but another character might be the big opponent of "Avengers 4". The food for this speculation concerned the short description on a toy in which "even greater threat"The speech was.

And now, this speculation could pick up speed. This is due to the short text on the back of a new official novel "Avengers: Infinity War" in which one ofnew opponent"There is talk of threatening to destroy everything …

Erik Selvig and Darcy Lewis survived

The new novel has the eye-catching title "Avengers: Infinity War: The Cosmic Quest, Volume Two: Consequences" and was written by Brandon T. Snider. In the summary of the book, there is a surprise for the fans of "Thor": even the doctors Erik Selvig (Stellan Skarsgård) and Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings) survived the fatal Fingerschnipser of Thanos and join Howard The Duck and to other Shuri.

Dr. Selvig and Darcy search for answers in a world that is still trying to understand the effects of the disappearance of half of lifeThey receive help from "old and new friends". The last sentence of the summary is much more interesting: "But they do not know that a new opponent is about to destroy them all.t". You can watch the full text in the following tweet from Snider:

Apparently, in the novel between "Avengers 3" and "Avengers 4", a new villain appears on the scene. this could, for example, join forces with Thanos and try to prevent humanity from stalking the mystery of stones from the infinitemt. Or maybe it's another figure, a powerful being (maybe a celestial?) Called by the Infinity Stones.

And it could also affect "Avengers 4": Although we still can not imagine that the evil Thanos, 10 years old, in "Avengers 4" is simply put aside, it would certainly be possible another henchman (like the Black Order in "Infinity War") occurs or already a powerful new opponent for the time after "Avengers 4" is placed in position. More details are available at the latest after the theatrical release of the much anticipated MCU event of April 25, 2019.

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