Microsoft exceeds Apple as the most valuable company


It's like a trip back in time: For the second time this week, Microsoft has been overtaking Apple for a while and has become the most profitable company in the world. Redmond's software maker has made an impressive comeback.

The once overwhelming group recently had a heavy drought behind:

  • sensitive antitrust regulations,
  • unpopular Windows versions,
  • Billions of losses after the failed acquisition of Nokia.

In 2010, Microsoft finally had to hand over the title of most valuable brokerage firm to the Apple smartphone maker. At that time, the manufacturer of the Windows operating system was suffering from the decline in PC demand.

What has changed since? Back in the news after replacing CEO Steve Ballmer in 2014. His successor Satya Nadella has reinstated Microsoft:

  • The company is separate in 2016 from Nokia.
  • In addition, Microsoft has focused on cloud services, making it now competitive with Amazon.
  • The subscription model for office software is also well developed.
  • And even the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system runs after the initial criticisms.

Thus, Microsoft has been able to increase the summer surplus by about one third per year. Revenues also doubled in the first quarter of the year.

In contrast, Apple: Shares of the computer hardware manufacturer hit a record $ 233.47 in early October. Four months ago, Apple was the first company to achieve a market value of one trillion dollars.

But then more and more worried about the new models of iPhone. The most important product of the group no longer meets the expected expectations and sales. Recently, rumors have circulated about a reduction in production, price cuts and the revival of an old model. Apple also suffers from the general decline of the smartphone market.

This Wednesday, Microsoft has again exceeded its rival in the stock market. The stock rose to noon three percent, the market value reached 848 billion dollars. Apple paper also gained, but only 2.2%, which corresponds to a market value of $ 845 billion.

Currently, statements by US President Donald Trump have triggered sales. The US president said in an interview to a newspaper that Apple could also be affected by additional tariffs on China.

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