Hanns-Joachim-Friedrichs-Prize for Reschke | NDR.de – News


Stand: 28.11.2018 19h32

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Anja Reschke received the Hanns-Joachim-Friedrichs-Preis 2018.

NDR journalist Anja Reschke on Wednesday received the Hanns Joachim Friedrichs Award for Television Journalism in Hamburg. Reschke received the award for his persuasiveness and investigative reporting, the explanatory report says. Aged 46, he heads NDR Television's Domestic Policy Department. She runs the political magazine "Panorama" and the magazine "Zapp". The prize is worth 5,000 euros.

"We can not get away with the facts"

The main task of journalism is finding facts, Reschke said. These should then be told. It currently notes in the press rooms a great uncertainty, which measure can have its own evaluation in the reports. The current discussion on the UN Pact on Migration is not generally determined by facts. The predominant characteristic of critics is the "feeling" that the current policy goes against their own interests. "We can not stick to the facts," Reschke said.

Hamburg media specialist Volker Lilienthal said that media neutrality was measured in the past by the question of whether all political currents had the same word The AfD, for example, should be included in political relations. However, like other parties, it does not have the right to be denounced indiscriminately about it. Lilienthal also pointed out that there could be no neutral reporting on right-wing extremism.

Marble: strengthening investigative journalism

Lutz Marmor, director of the NDR, said public broadcasters could regain lost trust by strengthening investigative journalism. This could be counterbalanced by the impression that he was with the mighty "under one roof". Broadcasters are not an "educational institution" that dictates a political opinion, Marble said.

According to Johannes Hano, ZDF correspondent in the United States, the current change in international politics is not yet well received in Germany. The media struggle in the United States shows that there is no political direction left or right. Here, state institutions would be completely challenged.

Prize recalling the "Tagesthemen" moderator Friedrichs

The award was created by a circle of friends of the journalist in memory of the moderator of "Tagesthemen", Hanns Joachim Friedrichs (1927-1995). The awards ceremony takes place alternately at the NDR in Hamburg and the WDR in Cologne. The prizes are awarded annually to television journalists for their creative, critical and independent work. The special prize of 2,500 euros was awarded to the editor of the magazine "Kulturzeit" (3Sat).

More information

The first: Panorama

The first: Panorama

"An unshakeable, professional and meaningful journalism": Anja Reschke, Panorama presenter, received the Hildegard-von-Bingen-Preis 2018. (22/10/2018)

This topic in the program:

28.11.2018 | 11:50 p.m.

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