Allegation of rape against a refugee in Brandenburg: Did the police want to prevent proper instrumentalisation? – Berlin


In Königs Wusterhausen, a 15-year-old girl was reportedly raped by a 21-year-old Afghan refugee in a public restroom. The case is beating the high wave – not only because of the terrible act, but also because it became known with some delay.

The act reportedly took place on Tuesday last week. On Thursday, the girl with relatives was reported to the police. According to reports, the girl was allegedly dragged into the public restroom by two men from a Mill Island playground, where they were allegedly forced into badual acts, police said. Because of the traumatic experiences, the interrogation had to be interrupted and continued on Friday.

After the search for the accomplice

The girl would have known the main culprit and could call her name from the police. On Friday afternoon, the investigators arrested the suspect in a refugee shelter in Dahme-Spreewald. On Saturday, a judge issued warrants for arrest at the prosecutor's request. The man has since been in detention. After the accomplice, who allegedly detained the girl during the rape, was searched.

According to the newspaper "Bild", according to which it would act of an 18 year old Afghan arrived in Germany as an unaccompanied minor refugee, the police did not want to confirm this information. Similarly, no reports, according to which he remains in another state and the police for known personal injury offenses. Rather, it was said that the identity of the man was not known. The police also considered this so as not to jeopardize the search and the ongoing investigation.

Mayor of Königs Wusterhausen, Swen Ennullat (Free Voters) was "deeply affected". He said: "Such a horrible act must be clarified as quickly as possible and comprehensively, our thoughts are with the victim, and she must now receive all possible help."

The report of the newspaper "Bild" gave other explosive effects. She relied on a police officer who claimed to have deliberately kept the crime committed under police and town hall locks. As an alleged reason, events were called in Freiburg. In October 2016, Afghanistan Hussein K. raped and murdered Maria L., a 19-year-old student. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in the spring. In October 2018, ten men, mostly asylum seekers, reportedly raped an 18-year-old boy next to a disco. There was a mbadive protest from right-wing groups – as everywhere else, where there have been similar cases.

The police message has not arrived everywhere

In fact, there was a technical problem in the information about the incident in Königs Wusterhausen. Police spokesperson Torsten Herbst, however, rejects the accusation that something should remain secret. There is no reason for that. After the 21-year-old accused was sentenced to police custody on Saturday, the Southern Police Department sent out a press release on Monday. But the message did not come in all publishers – not even at the daily level.

Brandenburg police chief Hans-Jürgen Mörke continues a clear line. Offenses committed by refugees and foreigners should always be made public by the police. Especially after the 2015 and 2016 New Year events in Cologne, Mörke made it clear, namely to name the nationality of the authors. Also to counter the suspicions of right circles, the state of trivial offenses of refugees.

In Brandenburg, the number of badual offenses has increased in recent years. According to the status report of the Federal Office of Criminal Police, 212 cases of rape, badual badault and badual badault were reported in 2013. In 2017, 241 cases were counted. The reconciliation rate fluctuated between 89 and 80% in 2016.

After a decline in 2014, the number of cases since 2015 (193) has increased. In 2014, there were 159 German and 13 non-German suspects, in 2015, 139 Germans and 33 non-Germans. In 2017, the ratio was 163 to 54. Up to now, it is the highest number of non-German suspects.

In case of violence, the proportion of refugees in the suspect is disproportionate. According to the police, of the 33,400 refugees, very few of them are victims of violence. Here are other refugees, women, children and adolescents, but even victims. Police management attributed this to the situation in shared housing. In addition to the intensification of repressive measures, increased police attention is needed from the police point of view.

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