"Sylvie's Lingerie Models": Graziella is crying for her hair – TV


It's not just about clothes: less is more!

Wednesday evening, participants in "Sylvies Lingerie Models" (RTL) on the hair. Of these, according to juror Sylvie Meis (40), some girls clearly had too much.

"During the photo shoot, we found that many of her hair problems were too long," said the company head, who is looking for a new face for her underwear brand.

After all, hot lingerie should not disappear behind the mane of the models. So the scissors were put!

Graziella (21), whose brown curls were almost at the hip, is an idea of ​​absolute horror.

Before she knew how many centimeters she had to leave, the 21-year-old burst into tears. "My hair is my sanctuary, I will never cut it, for nothing in the world," she sobbed.

<img clbad = "zoomable waving photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAAAAIBRAA7" data-img-src = "https://pictures.picture.picture.picture.com/photos-scald -your-hair-about-everything-200962189-58711604 / 6, w = 1280, c = 0. picture.jpg "alt =" Graziella loves her long hair everywhere "data-zoom-title =" Graziella l & Likes long hair on everything

Photo: MG RTL D / Sebastian Geyer

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/graziella-liebt-ihre-lange-haare-ueber-alles-200962189-58711604/Bild/6.bild.jpg "/>

Graziella loves her long hair firstPhoto: MG RTL D / Sebastian Geyer

But Sylvie did not give him the choice, saying: "You signed here to become a model of underwear, not to hide behind a curtain."

"A few inches of hair more or less is not important in the end.You have only one life," Sylvie tried to calm her protégé.The subject was obviously close to quarantine, because it reminded him of the most difficult of his life – his cancer.

"I am so grateful to live," admitted in tears quarantine. At that time, she had to learn to be feminine and bady even with very short hair. "That made me the woman I am today," says Sylvie proudly.

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Photo: MG RTL D

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Sylvie always tells her daughters a lot about her own life. He often becomes very emotionalPhoto: MG RTL D

Words that not only moved but encouraged the candidates. Despite the tears that flowed to Graziella, she left the hairdresser's hands free and even got excited about the result. "I do not recognize myself," she marveled, catching her mid-length hair, "It looks really great!"

And the courage of 21 years bore fruit: Sylvie took Graziella to the next round. Whether it is finally "Sylvies Lingerie Model" or not, it will be decided next week.

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