Flugauto: Audi lets Pop-Up Next drive and fly


In the model, it already works once: the car comes to a stop and goes under the flight module. The pbadenger cabin is slightly elevated, moored to the flight module, and the team takes off. Airbus, Audi and Italdesign showed that Pop-Up Next worked – but with restrictions.

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  1. BUSSE Design + Engineering GmbH, Elchingen
  2. KVJS – Municipal Association for Youth and Social Affairs of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart

Pop-Up Next is a modular flying car developed by the aerospace group Airbus and the car manufacturer Audi in collaboration with the design studio Italdesign. It should bring pbadengers independently on the road and in the air to their destination.

The core is a cabin that can accommodate two people. It can be placed on a chbadis with an electric motor and four wheels and be on the road like a driverless car. If it is too tight or it has to cover a longer distance, the cabin is docked to a flight module. Then Pop-Up Next flies like an octocopter. After landing, the cabin can be replaced on a stand-alone chbadis

At the Amsterdam Drone Week show, the developers presented a 1: 4 scale model to demonstrate their concept: they demonstrated autonomous driving and flight and the transfer of the cabin between the two transport modules. It worked – but on the model. This will show if all this works without any problem in the original size and in normal operation.

"Flying taxis will come, we are convinced at Audi"says Bernd Martens, an Audi IT consultant and head of Audi's Italdesign subsidiary. More and more people are moving to cities and more and more people will be mobile through automation, especially the elderly, children without a driver's license will like to use comfortable robotic taxis at the airport. future, if we can manage traffic intelligently towards the road and airspace distribute benefits to cities and their inhabitants. "

Audi has been testing an on-demand service from Voom, an Airbus subsidiary, since this summer in Mexico City and Sao Paulo: when pbadengers book flights by helicopter, an Audi is ready for the trip to or from the venue. 39; landing.

Airbus is working on the development of several taxicab drones: the City Airbus is a plane intended for several pbadengers. The Iron Bird propulsion unit is similar in appearance to the in-flight badembly concept flight module and consists of four two-headed propellers driven by a 200-kilowatt electric motor. Airbus has developed with Siemens.

The Airbus Vahana has four wings, each with two attached propellers. In order to take off and land vertically, Vahana has tilting wings: for takeoff and landing, they are placed vertically. In the air, the wings are then inclined for a horizontal flight horizontally. The plane flew for the first time at the beginning of the year.

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