Olaf Scholz delivers a European speech at Humboldt University: a little European


It takes about 40 minutes for Olaf Scholz to receive his first applause during his speech in front of the Senate Chamber of the Humboldt University in Berlin. 40 minutes. And then, it is another politician.

Emmanuel Macron recently made a beautiful statement of love to Germany, Scholz said, joking that no one should fear "that I lose my Hanseat role and send a burning call of love to Paris". But it's a strong, resilient and special friendship. "For that, I say at this point:" Thank you, Mr. Macron. Thank you, Emmanuel. "

The vice-chancellor and finance minister of the SPD is not a visionary, not a man of great words. He will probably not be a big European. But Scholz looks for his success in a policy of small steps. His 45-minute speech in front of some 200 students is a typical Scholz speech: full of details, technical terms and verbosity, but that's why it's not very descriptive. Not to mention the excitement.

A student later said that he really liked the speech. Scholz had become more concrete when he was there waiting for him. But which point was particularly selected? Enter the silence. He still had to look in his notes.

Scholz quotes Helmut Schmidt from the beginning, from whom comes the saying: "He who has visions should go to the doctor". Scholz points out that even the "big hamburger" knew that politics needed visions. But he also learned from Schmidt that inevitably, he had to follow a second step: "Answer the question of how to proceed then".

Scholz says that the European Union must become stronger and more sovereign. For that, she had to become more political. What he means is that instead of discussing only the internal market and issues such as bottles of olive oil or the curvature of cucumbers, we must finally challenge substantive substantive issues. Scholz calls to a European audience, there are up to now 28 national monologues. Each member state sees Europe only through its own glbades. Scholz offers:

  • A single legal framework for minimum wage and the systems of basic security in the EU. He believes that it is very interesting to discuss the establishment of a national minimum wage, which accounts for at least 60% of average income, Scholz said. He did not name specific numbers.
  • To strengthen the EU's foreign and security policy in the medium term, Headquarters of France in the UN Security Council in a seat of the EU to be converted. In return, France should then permanently provide the EU ambbadador to the United Nations. It required "certainly in Paris a little persuasion".
  • In the tax policy and the development of Monetary Union The Minister of Finance refers to well-known plans and projects, such as digital taxation or the euro area budget.

Scholz pointed out convincingly that Europe seemed weak because it avoided difficult debates, said Sven Giegold, spokesperson for the Greens in the European Parliament. "But with his proposals, he fails because of his own claim." Scholz introduced the well-known, no vision. The most sensitive issue, the German export surplus, had not been addressed. Although Scholz calls for more democratic control of European politics, he does not want to strengthen the European Parliament. Giegolds' conclusion: "The speech was ambitious and without emotion."

"Have you read Macron's speech at the Sorbonne?"

Humboldt University is not satisfied with Scholz's performance. After the speech in the Senate, Scholz talks with 25 students and doctoral students. "Too small," criticized his speech: "Your answer to Macron has disappointed me."

Scholz replied: "Have you read his speech at the Sorbonne?"

For a moment, the student responds.

That's just the problem, says Scholz. Many would have read the speech only "a bit far".

His argument: A lot of Macron's demands are unrealistic. You will never win all the Member States.

Scholz, on the other hand, wants to implement what is achievable. He is the chief pragmatist, the man of small steps. Do not be fooled by a functioning European policy. In fact, in recent years, there have often been great visions, such as those of the United States of Europe, which first gave people hope and then disappointed them.

But is a policy of small steps enough? Already in his own party, the SPD, many doubt it. Scholz wants to inherit Chancellor Angela Merkel, with a style of politics that looks exactly like hers, says a high-level comrade. Sober, pragmatic, without visions. But he was wrong, it will not work, warns the opponent Scholz. People would be tired of the Merkel style.

A thesis on which Olaf Scholz would probably say that it was not sufficiently documented.

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Who is behind Civey?

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