▷ POL-DA: Bensheim: The shovel against the wall of the house


Damaged building
Damaged building

Bensheim (ots) – Global damage estimated at six figures early Wednesday morning (28 November) caused an excavator in Weidenring, then a construction site in the area "An der Hartbrücke".

The absence of the working machine was noticed by the owners around 7:30. The excavator was on a pile of rubble two meters high, while he was moving in the industrial area and after his trip to the construction site "An der Hartbrücke" left. On the way, the machine hit a truck on the owner's property before demolishing the construction fence. Before the 15-ton ship collided with the newly built residential / commercial building, it destroyed a sheet metal shelter and building equipment. On the ground floor of the new building, the glbad was probably destroyed, the gripper arm and the damaged façade.

The THW has been commissioned to secure demolished scaffolds eight meters high and freely suspended. The investigation into the act resumed criminal police (K 10) in Heppenheim. Witnesses who have more details or observations are welcome to contact us. Phone: 06252/7060.

For other questions, please contact:

Police Headquarters South Hesse
Klappacher Street 145
64285 Darmstadt
Christiane Kobus
Phone: 06151 / 969-2410 or mobile phone: 0152/218 83 783
Fax: 06151 / 969-2405
Email: [email protected]

Original content of: Polizeipräsidium Südhessen, transmitted by news aktuell

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