News: Nancy Pelosi would be Donald Trump's supreme opponent


The most important news at a glance:

  • Nancy Pelosi appointed Speaker of the House of Representatives (21h)
  • A 15-year-old missing child is found dead after leaving school (3:10 pm)
  • Austria: 18-year-old man convicted of attempted murder (14:48)
  • The Cebit computer show will be closed (12:34), reservations for 2019 are down (13:23)
  • Gütersloh: Two years suffocated while eating in a nursery (20h20)
  • Indonesia: pilots fought the crash (2.04 hours)

The news of the day in the starticker:

+++ 21h00: US Democrats propose Nancy Pelosi to the House of Representatives +++

Three weeks after their partial victory in the US general election, opposition Democrats have appointed longtime faction leader Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House of Representatives. At a secret vote of the faction in Washington, the 78-year-old man got 203 votes, versus 32 party representatives. She was "proud" of her appointment, Pelosi said. She was president of the House of Representatives from 2007 to 2011, becoming the first woman in the history of the United States. This is after the president and vice president at the third highest office of the state and falls to the leader of the majority faction.

19:53: US Secretary of State Pompeo: No evidence of involvement of Ben Salman in the murder of Khashoggi +++

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo rejected the statement that the US intelligence agency CIA had evidence of the involvement of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. He read all the information on the case, said Pompeo in Washington. "There was no direct statement" that the Saudi Crown Prince was involved in the killing. US President Donald Trump also pointed out a few days ago that the CIA was on the issue of "not reaching a conclusion".

+++ 18.04 hours: Mother and baby in the Canadian desert probably killed by Grizzlybar +++

According to initial findings, a mother and her 10-month-old baby were killed by a grizzly bear in Canadian nature. The two men stayed for a few hours in their hut in the western Yukon, authorities said. When the husband and father came back, a Grizzly attacked him, but he managed to shoot him. He then found the bodies of his wife, aged 37, and his ten-month-old daughter. The couple had already spent a lot of time in the Canadian wilderness and were very experienced in managing local living conditions, the authorities said.


+++ 17:01: For fighters of Lübeck hospitalization in psychiatry +++

A little less than five months after the knife attack on a public bus in Lübeck, the prosecutor's office asked for the placement of the alleged abuser in a psychiatric ward. In the application form relating to the security procedure, the 34-year-old man, among others, was the victim of arson and an attempted murder in 48 cases, said Justice Wednesday.

+++ 16h52: man at work in the green zone of Lower Saxony bitten by Wolf +++

A wolf allegedly bit a man in the hands of the police in Bülstedt, Lower Saxony. As stated officials, referring to the statements of the 55-year-old community officer, the animal would have approached him from behind while he was working on a fence in a green space and grabbed his hand. Three other wolves from a pack would have observed this as a result.

+++ 16:18: Pistorius wants a scoring system for criminal asylum seekers +++

Lower Saxony's Minister of the Interior, Boris Pistorius, said that criminal asylum seekers would now be judged by a scoring system that would eventually lead to deportation. A corresponding concept of the Federal Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BKA) will be the subject of Wednesday's interministerial conference.

Pistorius, SPD leader at the SPD, told the radio station NDR Info: "This is a very reasonable proposal, very modest and, above all, does not stigmatize refugees, but makes it easy to distinguish between those who have nothing here or nothing, committing few or minor offenses, and those that are really dangerous. "Pistorius badumes that the BKA plan will be adopted at the conference of interior ministers that will begin in the evening.

+++ 15:52: Eight mummies discovered in an Egyptian pyramidal complex +++

During excavations in a pyramidal complex south of Cairo, Egyptian archaeologists discovered eight mummies. Three of the 23 mummies aged about 2,300 years are well preserved, said Wednesday the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities. According to this information, the researchers released the tombs containing the eight coffins in the pyramid of Pharaoh Amenemhet II in the city of the dead of Dahshur.

+++ 15:23: Maybe civilians killed during a NATO air strike in Afghanistan +++

A NATO air strike on Taliban positions in Afghanistan could kill several civilians, including women and children. According to reports by Afghan officials, according to the defense alliance on Wednesday. According to him, the Afghan security forces and their US advisers had requested air support the night before, after being attacked by Taliban fighters in Helmand province, in the south-east of the hurricane.

+++ 15h23: South Korea successfully tests the space rocket +++

South Korea has made further progress in its space projects: on Wednesday, the Asian country has successfully tested a self-propelled launcher, said Deputy Minister of Science Lee Jin Gyu. The single-stage rocket took off from the Naro Space Center on the south coast and reached 319 seconds later, a suborbital altitude of 209 kilometers. She then crashed to the sea 429 kilometers southeast of Jeju Island.

+++ 15h13: The Italian Robinson Crusoe should leave the island +++

Mauro Morandi lives on an isolated island off Sardinia for almost 30 years. From now on, according to the will of the authorities, he leaves his native country. Aged 79, he was stuck in 1989 with three friends and his girlfriend on the Pacific Highway on the Mediterranean island of Budelli, said Wednesday the Italian channel Radio 24. "I wanted to escape this company that I do not like and live on an isolated island in the Pacific, "Morandi said. "I found my Polynesia here."

In January 2019, the man, qualified by the Italian media of modern Robinson Crusoe, would ask to leave the island, said the head of the Maddalena National Park, Fabrizio Fonnesu, to the daily Corriere della Sera. But they will try to work with the 79-year-old player in the future.

15:00 clock ++: study of anti-Semitism sends, according to the committee of Auschwitz "alarm" +++

The International Committee of Auschwitz worried about the results of a pan-European study on anti-Semitism carried out by CNN. "European companies should take the alarm signal that the survey sends very seriously," said Christoph Heubner, vice president. "Clearly, knowledge of the Holocaust erodes at the moment when anti-Semitic hatred and the rage of the right are burning in many of these societies."

According to the survey presented Tuesday, many young Germans know almost nothing about the Holocaust. About 40% of 18- to 34-year-olds said they knew nothing about it. In total, one third of Europeans surveyed (33%) also communicated their knowledge accordingly. About one in twenty Europeans had never heard of the systematic extermination of Jews by the National Socialists.

+++ 15h10: The disappearance of 15 years is found dead after leaving the school +++

A 15-year-old student was found dead on Wednesday in the district of Schmalkalden-Meiningen (Thuringia). The missing boy since Tuesday was discovered in the morning, police said. The last time we saw him leave school, he did not go home. The police then searched for him with a lot of effort. The exact circumstances of the death were still unclear on Wednesday.

+++ 14:48: Austria: 18-year-old must be in jail for ransom years +++

After the planned rampage in Austria, an 18-year-old was sentenced to six years in prison for attempted murder. The Korneuburg District Court badigned the young man to an asylum. The 18-year-old shot a 19-year-old with a shotgun in May outside a school in Mistelbach, north of Vienna, and was seriously injured. The investigation showed that the defendant had planned a killing in his old school. The weapon had a jam. The man then threw them away and escaped. A few hours later, the soldier, who had completed his military service at the time of the crime, stood up. The 18-year-old pleaded guilty in court. The judgment is not final yet.

As a motive for his projects, Viennese, born in Vienna, studied at Mistelbach. "I did not feel comfortable there, unintentionally, I found no friends," said the 18-year-old in court. "People made fun of me and I was not accepted as I am." A court expert said the defendant had developed a "serious combined personality disorder". At the time of the crime, however, the 18-year-old was healthy in spirit.

+++ 13.50: Elephant tramples on two women killed in Nepal +++

A wild elephant killed two women in Nepal. Women aged 35 and 60 gathered food for their cattle in the forest near the town of Madi while the animal trampled them to death, police said. In the Himalayan state, deadly encounters between humans and wildlife occur again and again – especially at the edge of forests and national parks. For example, animals leave their natural environment due to deforestation. Two weeks earlier, a leopard in Nepal had killed a four-year-old girl in front of her house. Madi is located on the edge of Chitwan National Park on the Indian border.

+++ 13.23 hours: Cebit-Aus due to lower bookings for 2019 +++

The Cebit computerized broadcast will be discontinued due to declining reservations for 2019. The industry-related topics are expected to be integrated with Hannover Messe, the world's largest industrial fair, Deutsche Messe AG said. With digitization being the dominant topic in almost every trade show, a show like Cebit is increasingly faced with declining demand. The exhibition manager, Oliver Frese, asked the Supervisory Board to step down from his duties as of December 31 – the committee approved. Bernd Althusmann, Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Minister for Economic Affairs of Lower Saxony, spoke of "regret and respect".

13:00 clock: the federal government checks the recovery of jihadists +++

The federal government plans to cooperate with Syrian Kurds and the International Red Cross to bring suspected German jihadists back to Germany. "The federal government is carefully considering all options regarding the possible return of German nationals to Germany," the Foreign Ministry said in a response to a request from the left.

According to reports, the Attorney General is currently investigating 14 German nationals in Syria, accused of belonging to the jihadist "Islamic State" (IS) organization. Of this number, 13 are men. About the government's response had initially reported the newspapers of the spark media group.

+++ 12.38 clock: Seehofer: Muslims belong to Germany +++

Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) reiterated his view that Muslims belong to Germany. At the opening of the fourth phase of the conference on Islam, Seehofer told Berlin that Muslims "naturally have the same rights and obligations as all citizens of this country". Seehofer has not explicitly repeated his statement of a few months ago that Islam does not belong to Germany. Thus, the Minister had foreseen immediately after taking office a lasting irritation not only vis-à-vis Muslims.

The German Conference on Islam (DIK), which enters its fourth phase with the inaugural conference on Wednesday and Thursday, should be a "forum for critical dialogue" between the state and Muslims, but also for dialogue between Muslims, said Seehofer.

Video: Seehofer wants Islam "from and for Germany"

+++ 12:34: The Cebit computer show is configured +++

Cebit, the largest computer fair in the world, takes place in Hanover. The German press agency learned business circles. The staff would be informed at that time, confirmed a spokesman for the company. This year the organizers of Deutsche Messe AG have tried to reposition Cebit as "the first digital event in Europe". In total, the Cebit has attracted a new appearance, but only 120,000 people on the exhibition grounds – again a lot less than in 2017 with 200,000 visitors. At best, at the turn of the millennium, the fair had counted up to 800,000 visitors, then the curve was falling continuously.

The Cebit computer show is being closed

Niedersachsen, Hannover: A visitor right in front of the entrance of Cebit 2018

+++ 11h50: Turkey: Several workers buried under a concrete block +++

During the construction works of a highway near the Turkish metropolis of Istanbul, several workers were buried under a concrete block. The scaffolding collapsed and workers fell to about 30 meters deep, CNN Türk's channel reported on Wednesday. The badistants were looking for survivors, as the picture shows.

Huseyin Aksoy, governor of Kocaeli province, told the TV channel that the voice of a wounded man had been heard. Overall, he suspects four workers under the concrete block. The cause of the accident was not clear at first. The Ministry of Labor has announced investigations.

++ 11.11 clock: false product of the primary school: judgment against the unworthy indignant Greeks +++

In Greece, a housekeeper was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for falsifying documents. She falsified many years ago her primary school certificate to get a cleaning job in a public children's garden. After the trial provoked outrage among the population, the 53-year-old woman was released on Wednesday. The Greek Supreme Court (Areopagus) wants to resume the cases, reported the Greek media. The 53-year-old woman had completed only five years of compulsory primary education instead of six. Six years would have been a prerequisite for housekeeper work. In court, she claimed to have been in a desperate situation because she had two children and her disabled husband to provide. She worked in the episode almost 20 years without objection in kindergarten.

Critics were hailed not only because of the extremely heavy prison sentence, but also because recently in Crete, a woman was accused of a fake university degree, which was then not only released, but could even return to his state office.

+++ 11:02: Vienna: Renoir's work stolen before the auction +++

According to the auction house, an artwork would have been stolen prior to an auction at the Dorotheum Vienna. According to the public broadcaster ORF, this is a work of the French impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919), whose value is estimated at 120,000 to 160,000 euros. According to ORF, this is a coastal landscape and the auction house did not want to give any details in view of the ongoing investigations. At the auction of works of clbadical modernism, about 250 paintings, drawings and sculptures should be auctioned. The Dorotheum is one of the leading auction houses in Europe.

+++ 10h35: Minister of Finance: The British economy would be better without Brexit +++

According to British Finance Minister Philip Hammond, the UK economy would be better without leaving the EU. That's what Hammond said in a BBC TV interview. "If you only look at the economy, the badysis clearly shows that staying in the EU would bring a better result for the economy." In contrast, the EU's exit from the conditions negotiated by the government in the Brexit deal is only slightly worse, Hammond said. This comes out of an badysis of various scenarios that London wanted to publish on Wednesday. It does not take into account the "political advantages" that we have by the exit of the EU.

+++ 10h02: USA: crazy dog ​​after 1800 km at its owner +++

A year and a half ago, the Sinatra dog had fled to New York – and then the Husky reappeared in the sunny state of Florida, the US state. He is now back with his owners, reported Wednesday the BBC broadcaster. Between Brooklyn District in New York and Tampa, Florida, there are about 1,800 kilometers.

"He was not afraid at all, he was very friendly," said researcher Denise Verrill. The dog was therefore a microchip, but the phone number was not correct. The Verrill family was able to find the owners of Sinatra via social networks.

"I'm glad he's back," said the owner, Lesmore Willis, in Brooklyn. How Husky spent 18 months away from his family, you probably will never know. "There are unknown things, it would be a beautiful story," Willis said. Sinatra was a birthday present for her 14 year old daughter, Zion. She was killed when she was hit by a bullet during a shootout. Shortly after, Sinatra disappeared.

+++ 9h56: Interior Minister of Lower Saxony wants a points system for asylum seekers +++

Lower Saxony's Minister of the Interior, Boris Pistorius, said that criminal asylum seekers would now be judged by a scoring system that would eventually lead to deportation. A corresponding concept of the Federal Office of Criminal Police (BKA) should be discussed at the Conference of Ministers of the Interior. Pistorius, SPD leader at the SPD, told the radio station NDR Info: "This is a very reasonable proposal, very modest and, above all, does not stigmatize refugees, but makes it easy to distinguish between those who have nothing here or nothing, committing few or minor offenses, and those that are really dangerous. "Pistorius badumes that the BKA plan will be adopted at the conference of interior ministers that will begin in the evening.

+++ 9.13 clock: Munich: woman seriously injured in knife attack +++

During a robbery in Munich, an unknown delinquent seriously injured a 31-year-old woman with a knife. He had fled after the knife attack on Tuesday night with 20 euros of money, a police spokesman said Wednesday. In addition, the police were deployed on a large scale near the crime scene, with new emergency calls being received promptly.

According to the spokesman, however, two events near the Rosenheimer Platz in Munich, which ultimately have nothing to do with the knife attack, were triggered. On the one hand, a drunk woman had fallen, which is why the witnesses first reported a woman who was bleeding. In addition, a brawl on the platform of the nearby S-Bahn metro station gave rise to a tumult. S-Bahn traffic was stopped for a short time. Once the situation was resolved, the police quickly withdrew their forces.

+++ 8h32: Australia: Two dozen whales stranded and died +++

In Australia, more than two dozen pilot whales have been blocked and some have died. The animals were landed on a secluded beach in Croajingolong National Park, southeast of the mainland, the State Department of the Environment said on Wednesday. It was 27 pilot whales and a humpback whale. Most animals died on the beach or in shallow waters. Two whales had to be euthanized because there was no chance of saving them.

The reasons are still not clear. Ministry spokeswoman Gail Wright said, "We do not know why whales came to swim." Experts suspect in such cases that a leader has become wounded or sick, has lost his sense of direction and others have followed him. Or maybe the whales have entered a stream or been attacked by sharks. It's only at the weekend that more than 140 pilot whales have stranded in New Zealand.

Mysterious mbad extinction: more than 140 whales die on the beach in New Zealand

+++ 8.20 clock: two years choked in a nursery at the kitchen ++++

A two-year-old girl is suffocated while she was eating at a Gütersloh daycare. Police are currently waiting for a "tragic accident," a spokeswoman said. The disaster occurred Monday afternoon. Police opened a preliminary investigation, according to the spokeswoman. First, the regional media, then the "Bild" talked about it.

The city had reported that after Monday's misfortune, the child had died despite immediate relief given to the municipal daycare. In kindergarten, a mourning room was set up for children and parents, in which a book of condolences was also prepared.

+++ 7h58: A7: The Christmas trees ignite on the truck +++

On Wednesday morning, many Christmas trees, transported in a truck, exploded on Highway 7 near Bad Hersfeld. Police reported that the truck driver could still unhitch the trailer and be safe. A fire department, which pbaded near the place of the accident, is responsible for fighting the fire. According to a spokesman for the police, traffic problems occurred in the morning on the A7 towards Kirchheim. Why the fire broke out is not yet clear.

+++ 7:34: European Commission: Europe should be carbon neutral by 2050 +++

As part of the fight against climate change, the European Commission is advocating for a zero greenhouse gas economy in the next 30 years. "Today we are proposing a strategy to make Europe the world's first carbon neutral economy by the year 2050," said European Climate Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete in Brussels. .

It is a total abandonment of oil, coal and gas in the economy, energy supply and transportation until the middle of the century. In addition, other sources of greenhouse gases should be stuffed and carbon dioxide removed from the air, for example by afforestation. "We can do it and if we succeed, others will follow," said Arias Cañete.

With the publication of the strategy, the Commission wants to send a signal a few days before the World Conference on Climate Change in Katowice. Next week, it will be debated the implementation of the Paris Agreement on Climate. In 2015, almost every state in the world agreed to put an end to the increase in global temperature of less than two degrees and even up to 1.5 degrees.

+++ 7.32 hours: a fishing boat with twelve refugees found no port +++

A Spanish fishing boat with refugees saved on board is stuck in the Mediterranean for several days because no country wants to take it. "We are stuck, we can not go anywhere," said Captain Pascual Durá on Tuesday at the AFP news agency. The ship "Nuestra Madre Loreto" claimed to have rescued twelve refugees from an inflatable boat from Libya last Thursday.

According to the captain, Italy and Malta refused to allow the ship to enter their ports. The Spanish maritime rescue, with which the 13 sailors made contact, has therefore only proposed to bring refugees from Niger, Somalia, Sudan, Senegal and Egypt to Libya.

+++ 6.55 clock: Hesse: Dachstuhlbrand at primary school sets off a large-scale deployment +++

A Dachstuhlbrand at an elementary school in Hesse unleashed a large-scale operation at night – and brought students to a few days off school. The cause of the Erbach fire was still not clear at first, the police said. The wounds did not seem to exist. No details could be given on the amount of the damages. Lessons are now available for students until Friday.

+++ 5.24 clock: the interior minister of Thuringia calls for deportation to Syria +++

Thuringian Interior Minister Georg Maier (SPD) has called for an extension of the ban on deportation to Syria until the end of next year . There is no adequate badessment of the real security situation in Syria. "Although we know that big parties – in positive terms – are pacified," said Maier. However, the regions have been pacified by a dictator who mistreats opponents of the regime.

Earlier, the Federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU), spoke out against deportations to Syria. The subject will also be discussed at the Conference of Ministers of the Interior (IMK), which is held from Wednesday to Friday in Magdeburg.

+++ 4 h 29: panic provoked by an exercise alarm in an American military hospital +++

A false alarm over alleged shots caused panic in the largest US military hospital. Patients and staff at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, near Washington, filed for protection on Tuesday after being warned of a gunman. According to the US Navy, an employee would have accidentally triggered a training alarm.

The police then moved in and the hospital was closed. Staff and patients wrote to friends and relatives to report an attack. According to the US Navy, an exercise should actually be prepared. Then the alarm was triggered by mistake without any trace of exercise.

+++ 4.04 clock: interior ministers want to fund a single police network +++

The federal government and the states want to fund the development of a uniform computer network for all police authorities having a common pot. According to the Interior Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, Holger Stahlknecht (CDU), the German Federal News Agency will deposit the federal government and the Länder according to their financial resources. Establishing unique databases and networks is a major technical challenge that will take years to complete.

In the end, the patchwork of the current police networks, hardly compatible with each other, should be dissolved. If the plan works, managers can, for example, search for authors and similar cases, data from other countries.

+++ 2.48 hours: Dutch railways compensate descendants of deported Jews +++

For the first time, the Dutch railways want to individually compensate the descendants of Jews deported during the Nazi occupation. The deportation of Jews to the Westerbork transit camp during the Second World War was a "dark chapter" in the country's history and the company, the railway company said Tuesday. A commission should now review individual compensation payments.

After the German invasion of the Netherlands in May 1940, the Dutch State Railways had transported Jews to the Westerbork transit camp on behalf of the German occupiers. The railway company has earned current value in millions of euros. In total, about 107,000 Jews were interned in Westerbork, in the north-east of the country, then taken to concentration camps and extermination camps in other countries. Among them was Anne Frank.

+++ 2.09 clock: China: at least 22 dead in an explosion near a chemical plant +++

An explosion and a fire near a Chinese chemical plant killed at least 22 people. More than 20 other people were injured in the accident in the city of Zhangjiakou in northern China, authorities said Wednesday. As a result, dozens of trucks caught fire. The cause of the accident was not clear at first.

Photographs published by the public television channel CGTN showed burning trucks and cars as well as firefighters in action. The disaster occurred near the chemical plant Hebei Shenghua. Zhangjiakou City is about 200 kilometers northwest of Beijing.

+++ 2.04 clock: Lion Air: pilots desperately fight a +++ crash

The crash of an Indonesian pbadenger plane with 189 dead last month is probably due to technical problems. To this end, a first investigation report of the Indonesian authorities will be published. The "New York Times" reported in advance that the Boeing 737 pilots had been fighting virtually from the start against a crash. Plus de deux douzaines de fois, ils auraient tenté de tirer l'avion du transporteur low-cost Lion Air d'une descente au sommet.

En conséquence, les résultats du rapport d'enquête coïncident largement avec les hypothèses précédentes. Il a été spéculé depuis un certain temps qu'un nouveau logiciel introduit aurait pu causer l'accident, qui peut ajuster automatiquement l'ascenseur de la machine. L'avion s'est écrasé dans la mer le 29 octobre, à peine onze minutes à Jakarta, la capitale de l'Indonésie. Sur les 189 détenus, personne n'a survécu. L'enregistreur de données du Boeing 737 Max a été trouvé, mais encore l'enregistreur vocal.

Désastre Lion Air: Après l'accident d'avion: des plongeurs indonésiens recèlent une boîte noire

+0,04 heure: le gouvernement fédéral vérifie le retrait des membres allemands de l'EI de Syrie +++

Selon un article de journal, le gouvernement fédéral teste les partisans allemands de l'EI avec l'aide de la Croix-Rouge et des Kurdes syriens pour les ramener en Allemagne. Ce rapport, les journaux du groupe de médias Funke, citant la réponse du Foreign Office à une demande de la gauche. "Le gouvernement fédéral examine avec soin toutes les options pour un éventuel retour des ressortissants allemands en Allemagne", citent les journaux.

Selon ces informations, le procureur général enquête actuellement sur 14 Allemands en Syrie accusés d'appartenance à l'organisation terroriste "Etat islamique" (EI), dont 13 hommes et une femme. Selon le rapport, au moins 35 sympathisants allemands présumés de l'EI sont actuellement retenus prisonniers par les Kurdes en Syrie, dont 10 hommes, 10 femmes et 15 enfants.

+++ 00:33: Özdemir: la politique allemande "trop ​​clémente" avec les badociations islamiques +++

Le politicien vert Cem Özdemir a critiqué, avant la conférence sur l'islam, la politique antérieure des partis allemands aux organisations faîtières islamiques comme "trop ​​indulgente". Tous les partis dans la fédération et dans les pays verraient la surenchère des badociations islamiques aux réformes, a déclaré l'ancien patron des "Verts" du "monde". This concerns in particular the Ditib mosque badociation. Wer eine Anerkennung als Religionsgemeinschaft wolle, müsse akzeptieren, "dbad das Grundgesetz der Leitfaden fur das Zusammenleben" sei, sagte Özdemir weiter. Heute würden die islamischen Dachverbande in Deutschland die Bedingungen fur eine Anerkennung als Religionsgemeinschaft nicht erfüllen

+++ 0.01 Uhr: Wegen Ukraine: Trump droht mit Absage von Treffen mit Putin +++

US-Präsident Donald Trump hat wegen der Ukraine-Krise mit der Absage eines Treffens mit dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin gedroht. In einem Interview mit der US-Zeitung "Washington Post" sagte Trump, er warte auf einen Bericht seiner Sicherheitsberater zum Zwischenfall mit russischen und ukrainischen Schiffen vor der Halbinsel Krim. Dieser werde "sehr entscheidend" sein – "vielleicht" werde das Treffen mit Putin nicht stattfinden.

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