Archbishop Gänswein reports on his visit to Michael Schumacher


Since his skiing accident, Michael Schumacher, Legend of Formula 1, has retired. Only a few were allowed to visit him – among them Archbishop Georg Gänswein. He now reveals the details of his visit to several media.

He said he did not want to talk about his meeting with Michael Schumacher. But Archbishop Georg Gänswein, prefect of the Papal House, then described in the magazine "Bunte", then in "Bild", the details. The former Formula 1 world champion has therefore returned in the summer of 2016 in the Schumacher property on the shores of Lake Geneva.

Gänswein reported in "Bunte": "I sat in front of him, I took it with both hands and I looked at him, his face as we all know, Michael's typical face Schumacher, only a little fuller than he became. "

"We feel that he sees encounters"

In the conversation, Gänswein, until today private secretary to Pope Benedict XVI, emeritus German, expressed his own admiration for Schumacher's career – and said how many people are still thinking with the champion of the record world.

"Photo," he says: "By way of farewell, I signed a cross on his forehead with his thumb and I promised him my prayer." Pray on the spot with Michael Schumacher was too much for me, because I could not know if he would like that, but we feel that he perceives the encounters, that he is engaged in an inner dialogue. "

Schumacher is still the most titled driver in the history of Formula One with seven world titles to his credit. One year after his retirement on December 29, 2013, he had suffered a traumatic brain injury during a ski accident in Meribel, France, and then pbaded Coma located. Since the beginning of her rehabilitation in June 2014, no information on her state of health has been published.

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