Wolf Attack on Gardener – DNA at the Study | waz.de


For the first time, a man in Germany was attacked by a wolf. A DNA test should confirm the attack.

The wolf apparently bites the gardeners – a DNA investigation is underway

The discussion around wolves, who are attacking flocks of sheep, are already warming their minds – now, it seems to be the first time man in Lower Saxony from one wolf been bitten. In an investigation, it should now be clarified whether it was really a wolf.

"We sent the DNA samples collected today by mail to the Senckenberg Institute in Gelnhausen," said Thursday a spokeswoman for the Ministry of the Environment.

And on the other hand: "We hope that it will be possible to isolate the usable material from the seized objects, and then evaluate it," said the ministry spokeswoman. The institute wanted to present the result as quickly as possible, but this was not expected during the day.

Attack of wolves against humans – the essential is:

  • In Lower Saxony, there was apparently the first wolf attack on a human in Germany
  • A DNA test is whether it was really a wolf
  • For years, wolves have been seen in Germany

As the police Rotenburg informs, was a community worker Tuesday in the village of Steinfeld with care of the park on graveyard occupied. As he knelt by the fence and reached behind him, he felt his hand held. When the 55-year-old returned, he recognized a wolf who had caught his hand.

The worker was slightly injured

According to his information, three other wolves from a pack would have the Action observed with a certain distance. The man was able to break free and hunt the animals. He then went to a slightly injured doctor. The worker had his hand rigged, the police said.

So far, it's since the return of the wolves in Germany no injury to a human has been documented by these animals, said Roland Gramling of the WWF Environmental Foundation. "You have to take it seriously in any case, whether it's a pack of wolves or a pack of dogs." You have to investigate the case.

This would be the first Wolf attack in Lower Saxony

According to Wolfsburg National Office spokeswoman Bettina Dörr, two employees examined the incident reported on the site and spoke to people involved. "They seek if they find something that corroborates suspicions."

According to Steinfeld Mayor Jochen Albinger, the worker reportedly worked alone on a fence on the outskirts of the cemetery on Monday. There, join vast moor in which wolves were sometimes spotted.

There is no direct witness to the incident. The doctor who treated the worker's injury turned to the authorities.

In Germany, more and more wolves are at homeAccording to the most recent data, there are 73 wolf packs nationwide
– 13 more than last year. Most of them live in the east.

In Saxony, one case made headlines in October, in which wolves attacked a flock of sheep.
40 animals died. A few months earlier, a stranger had fought a wolf in the same state. He shot the animal and sank it with a weight of concrete into a lake.

The titles also saw the case of a wolf pairing with a dog.
(Cw / les / dpa)

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