Heiko Maas defends the migration pact in the Bundestag


Foreign Minister Heiko Maas resolutely defends the migration pact. The AfD blames the government – the other opposition parties against,

Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas defended the UN's deal on migration in the Bundestag. Almost the entire world community had agreed, said Maas, the first speaker to open the debate. This is also necessary: ​​migration is essentially global and beyond that, inevitable: "Migration is as old as humanity."

The pact serves to limit illegal migration and, above all, to bind countries that previously had few standards. "This pact is also in the interest of Germany," said Maas.

"No enforceable rights and obligations"

Heiko Maas, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs: He defended the pact in the Bundestag. (Source: dpa / Kay Nietfeld)Heiko Maas, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs: He defended the pact in the Bundestag. (Source: Kay Nietfeld / dpa)

Several requests are on the agenda of the debate. Among them is a demand from the government factions: it should dispel fears that the pact will create new opportunities for immigration to Germany. The motion stresses that the pact does not establish any "legally binding right or obligation" and "has no legal or regulatory effect". At the same time, the federal government is called upon to continue to make a clear distinction between legal migration and illegal migration, to improve the protection of the EU's external borders and to urge the countries of origin to take over the illegal migrants.

The federal government should ensure that the agreement on migration "does not affect national sovereignty and the right of Germany to determine its own policy on migration" and that 39, no sovereign right is transferred. However, this is already clear in the pact, Foreign Minister Maas said: "National sovereign rights are neither restricted nor transferred anywhere." He accused the opponents of the pact of deception. "The facts are deliberately distorted," he said.

Incidentally, the government had informed the public very early. Maas also criticized the media for blaming the government for bad news policies. In addition, the media were often not interested in government information.

AfD's controversy

The AfD flogged the pact. Gottfried Curio spoke of an "invitation to migration", the pact was a "Trojan horse", he gave an "unlimited right of access for all". He quoted some phrases from the pact. International legal experts and migration experts believe that such badessments are unfounded.

Andrea Lindholz (CSU) asked the unions to follow the facts. Outgoing declarations from other states relate to the eyewash; the covenant will become a non-binding resolution of the UN, which will apply to all – unless we leave the United Nations. The resolution proposal of the ruling parties is the only effective way to clarify one's own position. She also asked AFD to approve the motion for a resolution.

Own request from the left

Agnieszka Brugger in the Bundestag (archive photo): Most of the rules of the Migration Pact have already been implemented in Germany. (Source: Metodi Popow / imago)Agnieszka Brugger in the Bundestag (archive photo): Most of the rules of the pact on migration have already been implemented in Germany. (Source: Metodi Popow / imago)

Stephan Thomae of the FDP said that the pact set standards also in force in Germany: smuggling, border management, refugee resumption agreements, better cooperation for the issuance of documents. This would reduce migration to Germany if other states adhered to it. Therefore, it was wrong to condition the agreement.

Petra Pau (left) said the left could not accept the government's request. The left group has presented its own motion calling for better treatment of migrants. For example, rescue at sea should not be criminalized, said Pau. The left is for the government to accept the pact.

Agnieszka Brugger (Green) attacked the AfD leader, Alexander Gauland. "Show him his real ugly face," she said, saying that he thought migrants had no human rights. She also criticized Sahra Wagenknecht (left) and Peter Ramsauer (CSU), who had publicly questioned the pact. "Let's just be cool, clear and human," she said. Most of the pact's regulations are already legal in Germany.

"The national sovereignty of Germany is not rudimentary," said Paul Ziemiak (CDU). He addressed Gottfried Curio and said, "They live in their own world". If people have no water somewhere or are kept as slaves, they will open whether or not Germany has deferred the pact. But with the pact, you could improve the number of people elsewhere.

Subject several times in the Bundestag

The factions of the Bundestag coalition had already voted almost unanimously in favor of the agreement. At a meeting of the SPD parliamentary group, there had been, according to the group of factions, only one dissenting vote. However, at the meeting of the faction of the Union, there were still only five votes against and three abstentions. CSF Minister for Home Affairs and Horst Seehofer, as well as CSU country group leader Alexander Dobrindt, support the pact.

The Migration Pact has been negotiated internationally for over two years and has also been the subject of much debate in the Bundestag. It should standardize the management of migration – and especially set standards there, where migration is so far poorly regulated and where people leaving their home country have virtually no law. In the summer of 2018, with the exception of the United States under Donald Trump, all states approved a first project.

However, in the following months, several states surprisingly stated that they did not wish to join the agreement, especially Austria, whose Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, had been involved in talks at his previous post as foreign minister. The parties and movements of the far right had extended the claim in the months precedingthe pact nullifies national sovereignty – international jurists contradict it. Nevertheless, the ruling parties had decided to make an additional statement.

On December 10 and 11, an intergovernmental conference under the auspices of the UN will be held in Marrakesh, Morocco. There, the pact should be accepted.

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