Mozilla's annual report: sales have increased, the number of users has decreased


A year ago, Firefox released the "greatest update of all time" – Quantum. Nevertheless, according to Mozilla, the number of users has decreased since: compared to the previous year, the number of monthly active users has increased from 300 million to 277 million. But there is also good news: the foundation has increased its turnover in 2017 by 8% to 562 million dollars. This is clear from the latest annual report published by Mozilla.

The late Pocket reading service, which Mozilla acquired as the first "strategic acquisition" in February 2017, generated a $ 3 million turnover. Most of the money, or $ 542 million, came from Google and other search engines Mozilla partners.

In many parts of the world, Google is Firefox's default search engine. in China it is Baidu. "We are generating significant revenue outside of the United States," said Denelle Dixon, director of operations at Mozilla's CNet. The partnership with Yahoo is however broken: the search engine and Mozilla have since late 2017 a legal dispute after the termination by Mozilla of the contract with Yahoo for the default search engine in the United States.

Mozilla's revenues have increased, as have expenses. Compared with the previous year, the foundation spent $ 422 million; In 2016, it was $ 361 million. This corresponds to an increase of almost 17%.

Most importantly, software development, which cost nearly $ 253 million (2016: $ 226 million), was expensive. Mozilla has invested $ 66 million in marketing ($ 47 million in 2016) and has focused on promoting the great Quantum Update. The director of Mozilla, Mitchel Baker, received $ 2.3 million. Overall, the net badets of the Mozilla Foundation increased from $ 426 million to $ 514 million.

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1 year Firefox Quantum


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