Harry and Meghan: George and Amal Clooney become the godfathers of their royal family


Leading sponsors for the next royal scion?

At the wedding of Meghan (37) and Prince Harry (34), George Clooney (57) presented his Amal (40) to Hollywood glamor. According to the British Daily Mail, the actor and the lawyer will also become the godfathers of the first child of the royal couple.

Georges Cousin Ben Breslin: "This would be a great godfather, he would do very well – that's a good guy."

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Photo: Getty Images

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In the spring, Meghan and Harry are expecting their first childPhoto: Getty Images

George himself would have qualified as a candidate.

After their wedding in May, Harry and Meghan spent several days with the Hollywood star and his lawyer in the Clooney villa on Lake Como. And "Daily Mail" quotes another source, according to which Meghan and Amal are good friends: "They are closer than what is communicated in public".

Uncle George and Aunt Amal – why not. Her twins Ella and Alexander were born in June of last year. And as a godfather of twenty kids, as George has already said, he plays that role perfectly. Sunday Rose (19), the first daughter of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban, is one of his protégés, according to "Mirror".

But Prince William (36) would not be a good candidate? Unlikely. Because Harry was not chosen by his brother either. Kate and he (36) have not looked for sponsors for their children George (5), Charlotte (3) and Louis (7 months), but among the stars but have chosen, for example, friends from long time. For example, Nicholas van Cutsem is one of Louis's sponsors. His father Hugh († 72) was already friends with William's father, Charles (70).

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Photo: People Image Agency

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William with his two older children, George and Charlotte. As godparents, his wife Kate and he have chosen long-time friends.Photo: People Image Agency

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