Possible Wolf attack in Lower Saxony – a laboratory examines traces of DNA


In Lower Saxony, a man resisted the attack of an animal with a hammer. Was it really a wolf? The authorities are already preparing to chase him away.

After a possible attack of wolves in the Rotenburg district of Lower Saxony, experts are trying to determine whether it was a wolf's well. On Tuesday afternoon, an animal was presented to a community worker busy maintaining a cemetery in the municipality of Bülstedt. The animal bit him by hand, as confirmed by a doctor. Three other possible wolves would have watched the action from a distance, reported the 55-year-old police officer later. Then he drove the animals with a hammer.

Secure pet hair on-site

Wolfsburger Niedersachsen calls the description credible. However, it should be clarified if the animals were really wolves, said spokeswoman Bettina Dörr at the request of t-online.de. Two employees of the Bureau des loups secured DNA samples on the site: they found animal hair and also found traces of the man's sweater and hammer.

At present, the laboratory of the Senckenberg Research Institute is studying the discoveries. It is the National Reference Center for Genetic Investigations at Lynx and Wolf, specializing in genetic monitoring of wild animals. The first results could be available next week. Until then, we still do not know: is this really the first attack of wolves on a human being since the return of animals to Germany in 2000?

Until now, the wolves of the region have nothing remarkable, says Revierförster Harald Westermann during a conversation with t-online.de. Although he sometimes found traces and torn wild animals, "but nothing unusual". He had not been taught otherwise that until now, the wolves had ventured into the vicinity of the settlements. "However, the cemetery is right on the edge of the forest, in the immediate vicinity," said Westermann. For the moment, however, he knows no problem with stray dogs.

"It's no use to panic"

Meanwhile, the authorities are already preparing for the hunt. If it turns out that the bite comes from a wolf, "the animal must be killed as early as possible for safety", writes the Minister of Environment Olaf. Lies in a statement. In this case, his ministry has already contacted the Ministry of the Interior at the level of management. "I take the situation very seriously and talk to all the officials, but it's useless to panic now." First, it is necessary to clarify the facts in order to be able to act on a case by case basis.

Authorities are alarmed by the fact that the alleged attack is an unusual incident. According to Nature Conservation Union Germany, there were only 59 attacks between 1950 and 2000 across Europe, killing nine people. In Germany, it would be the first recorded wolf attack against humans since the animals returned 18 years ago – previously, it was last documented in the mid-19th century.

At present, around 600 wolves live in Germany, including 180 in Lower Saxony. The damage caused by wolves to farm animals increased significantly last year, as revealed by the research conducted by t-online.de in AugustThe fear of humans has kept animals, but in principle with exceptions. It could have changed drastically, at least in one case.

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