Estelle & Oscar from Sweden: New Private Photos: Mom stays at home and the kids have fun!


With beanie, scarf and thick jackets: Estelle and Oscar from Sweden venture into the pre-Christmas fray and give Daniel Dad a Christmas concert. Of course, there is no trace of Mama Victoria!

Christmas time is family time! This also applies to the royal family in Sweden. As end-of-year maturities become shorter and shorter, joint ventures have more time. Daniel von Schweden (44) took the opportunity to pack his two adorable children Estelle (6 years old) and Oscar (2 years old) and visit them with a Christmas concert, Saturday 24 November. A public meeting was not that, but a very private family entertainment. Nevertheless, some pictures of this special excursion are now published.

The three men then pose with a friendly family, but completely without Mama Victoria (40), who could have stayed at home in the palace. It does not seem to hurt joy. Because Daniel and his daughter Estelle talk with enthusiasm. And Oscar? He grumbles again for himself. We would not have expected anything else from the kind Fratz. In the video above, you can do the tour experience before Christmas.

A beautiful family

But for a long time, Oscar and Estelle did not have to do without their mother. Because on her return home, Victoria may have waited for her treasures. The family values ​​a close cohesion. Despite their busy schedules, Daniel and Victoria spend enough time with their little ones.

Even Swedes love this beautiful family so it is not surprising that every image of the four royals is eagerly awaited. In the video below, we show you the last official family photo published by the court. Especially adorable: the pretty smile of Estelle!

Want to know more about Estelle, Oscar and the Swedish royal family? No problem! Our aristocratic office informs you each week with the royal letter on the activities of the court. Register here!

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