AfD candidate Mariana Harder-Kühnel has failed as vice-president of the Bundestag


Hesse Afda MP Mariana Harder-Kühnel failed on Thursday in the first round of voting for the post of Vice President of the Bundestag. She received 223 votes in favor, 387 members voted for, so she did not get the required majority.

The SPD had previously announced that it would vote against Harder-Kühnel. The CDU had given its vote to the deputies. The Bundestag meeting was interrupted after the announcement of the result. The question of whether there were other polls was not clear at first.

The 44-year-old lawyer was named by her group at the beginning of the month after the bankruptcy of Albrecht Glaser, a member of the AfD, three times about a year ago. Glaser had mainly been criticized for expressing his views on Islam. He deprived Muslims in Germany of the right to freedom of religion, as the Basic Law proves, because, in his opinion, Islam itself does not know freedom of religion.

Harder-Kühnel is one of the most moderate members of the AfD group. She had joined the Bundestag at the top of the list of states of Hesse. Until now, she is one of the secretaries of the Bundestag and a full member of the family committee. She has also been an alternate member of the Committee on Home Affairs and Home Affairs.

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