ADAC wants to give drivers control of vehicle data


ADAC demands that access to vehicle data be regulated uniformly throughout Europe. First and foremost, motorists must have control of the data and make their transfer transparent, as the car club demands. Finally, "a free, standardized and secure access to the data generated in the car is essential: for the choice of the consumer and the access to the market of independent third parties", writes the club.

"ADAC surveys have shown that the data generated by the manufacturers, among others, allow to draw conclusions about the technical condition of the car and the driver's usage profile," says the group in an ADAC publication. Therefore, when accessing vehicle data, it should be ensured that manufacturers can not control the owner, driver or service providers of the vehicle.

In addition, the neutral development of new services by independent third parties should be ensured and, finally, independent service providers should reach customers through the same channels as the manufacturer itself, according to the ADAC. The consumer must be able to allow all suppliers of his choice to freely access the car's data. Data security must be guaranteed.


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