Linda Teuteberg: "We need more initiatives to manage migration"


WORLD: Mrs Teuteberg, IInstead of looking at security issues, the coalition wants many to focus on care, rent and education.

Linda Teuteberg: Where there are problems to be solved, politics must act. However, the topics you mentioned are important. However, I caution the government against gambling against very important and crucial areas of homeland security or migration.

WORLD: The migration pact currently affects many. The Bundestag discusses the issue more often than many of the 2015 decisions. Is that correct?

"It's still an air number"

Teuteberg: A wide debate is absolutely necessary! Fortunately, this is happening now. Overall, the Bundestag should debate everything that moves our country. Without populism on the one hand and without ritual will to debate the other.

The problem is that we talk about it so late. The government should have started the discussion proactively. We must catch up now.

WORLD: How do you evaluate the previous work of the Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer?

Teuteberg: It should finally look more serious and compelling. We need more initiatives and legislative proposals to finally put order and governance in the migration. In the summer, for example, he promised to better control the illegal entry of Dublin refugees. It remained an air number. The mere rhetoric of Hardliner will not get us anywhere.

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Lawyer Linda Teuteberg, 37, is Vice President of the FDP in Brandenburg and a member of the Bundestag.

FDP board Linda Teuteberg

WORLD: And the conference on Islam?

Teuteberg: We welcome the new edition of the Conference on Islam. But it is bad that Parliament is left out. We also need concrete results. It is not enough to always agree on the common value system.

We finally need a significant Imamausbildung in this country. However, we should not focus solely on foreign funding and possible influences. Because we then practice a criticism similar to that which is often subordinated to German foundations abroad.

Something else is important: we must impose that activity in Germany, messages in mosques rely on the fundamental order of free democracy. It must be imposed by the government.

"Greens prevent faster procedures"

WORLD: At the Conference of Ministers of the Interior, returns play a crucial role. What must happen?

Teuteberg: Plans to improve respect for the obligation to leave must finally be implemented. In addition, there has been a long debate about extending the list of safe countries of origin to North African countries.

There is a large majority in the Bundestag and in society. However, the Greens continue to slow down, for example in the obligation to cooperate to determine the identity or in the country of origin of the Bundesrat. They like to talk about control and control, the new party leadership likes to put it in the shop window. But they are silent when it comes to concrete measures.

With their blockade, the Greens now prevent faster proceedings – which, in the end, would also give asylum seekers a quick idea of ​​the situation. The Union, in turn, does not put enough pressure on the Greens. A pacification of the migration debate is important for us. But this only works if we make it clear that we guarantee fair and equitable legal procedures – then we integrate them or bring them back to their home country.

WORLD: They are very critical of the greensnot.

Teuteberg: I find it dangerous that the Greens play with half-truths like the one on the right, each with its own purpose. The Greens argue in countries of sound origin that the recognition rate is not a good criterion for determining countries. This is not sufficient according to the case law of the Federal Constitutional Court as a defining feature. However, no one is telling supporters of the expansion that the only recognition rate is enough to serve as a criterion. Of course, there must be more, like the badessment of the situation according to the Foreign Office. It's a dangerous game of the Greens.

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Network of secret soldiers

WORLD: The new head of constitutional protection, Thomas Haldenwang, stressed the risk of the right to take office. The authorities are investigating suspicions that a network of right-wing extremists has been set up within the Bundeswehr. Why did the security authorities neglect this?

Teuteberg: The subject is serious. But I warn against the suspicions of the whole Bundeswehr and the security authorities. As a member of Parliament, I also expect to be better informed by the government. The grand coalition, however, refused Wednesday to put our report to the internal committee on the agenda so that we can go ahead. Unfortunately, we received no support from the Greens and the left.

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