ZDF: Florian Silbereisen as moderator of the "heute-show" – the horror after a break


This winter break was extremely long: it was not until February 1st that the "show of the day" came back – with a big surprise at the beginning. Oliver Welke did not show up at the beginning!

Update of February 2, 2019: "What are you doing here, no one has told you anything, you have gone out!", Plaid Dietrich Hollinderbäumer (also known as "Pastewka"), moderator Oliver Welke, behind the scenes. Welke was not only irritated: after six weeks of winter vacation, ZDF suddenly introduced a new presenter of the "heute-show" – Florian Silbereisen!

Silbereisen was THE big surprise of the evening. Silver Welkes Stammplatz has moderated the program: "Good evening, dear friends, it's starting again! Welcome! I am now the new captain of the Schlagerchampions satireboom! My name: Florian Silbereisen! Hello!" The ex-smile Helene Fischer smiles mischievously at the camera. And here it was clear: it was just a joke and an appearance as a guest! After the intro, Wilt was allowed to work again.

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"For all those who are now disappointed, the Florian can be excused: his ship is about to become one!" Says Welke, while playing his role on television as a dream ship captain.

Many viewers were relieved to learn that the appearance of Silbereisen only limited a few seconds. The opening gag has not been well received by everyone, as you can read on Twitter. Some froze the smile. For them, the star of the "show of the day" would be rather a performance of horror.

But to be fair: For the sake of self irony, Florian Silbereisen deserves respect!

Roaring applause as wilt is back. What a relief not to mutiny the Silbereisen. #heuteshow

– Alicia (@AliciaHaswari) February 1, 2019

* Run away *#heuteshow

– Vice-champion El Duderino (@martinitier) February 1, 2019

In anticipation of #heuteshow turn on the TV.
Florian Silbereisen seen
The television is off.

– Cornelius Borchardt (@ Suilenroc7) February 1, 2019

Silbereisen instead of withering in the #heuteshow,

There, I run breathless in the night.

– Holger Hinz (@holgereluard) February 1, 2019

Viewers are angry: "Today's show" is still not lit.

Update of January 26, 2019: Another Friday without withering and the show ZDF heute. Satire does not end his winter vacation until next week. (Are not spring breakers back in some federal states …?) On Twitter, the break seems to be over.

Almost as good as a glbad of coke! February 1st at 22:30 on ZDF pic.twitter.com/KIPGIYQBD2

– ZDF heute-show (@heuteshow) January 25, 2019

The scrubbing must become an optician again. #Tempolimit pic.twitter.com/UbmZ6cRXgS

– ZDF heute-show (@heuteshow) January 25, 2019

It was close. #Davos pic.twitter.com/NaCZNJ8xdx

– ZDF heute-show (@heuteshow) January 24, 2019

The news of January 19, 2019

Berlin – Fans of the show "heute-show" satire watched Friday, January 18 in the tube. Instead of fading, there was Reiner Calmund. Brexit, CSU Party Congress, Trump Space Program – this can not be due to a lack of topics. So where do we go if you need it urgently?

The answer is simple: the host of the show "Today-Show" is still on Christmas leave. But curious, because who will spend the Christmas holidays until February? Fans are indignant: "You have more holidays than teachers," commented a fan on the Facebook page "today". "I have phantom pains.The scourge is gone, but the center of humor is itching," writes another. "What is ……… .. only in 2 weeks? What is Oli doing all the time? "Ask another.

"Heute-show" will not be on ZDF before February

The good news for fans of satire: from Friday, February 1, 2019, the "heute-show" will be rebroadcast every Friday from 22:30 on ZDF.

Meanwhile, writing via Twitter stirs the desire:

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