Not just antibiotics, but one in four drugs destroy intestinal flora


New harmful side effect discovered with every fourth drug

Antibiotics are known to be a killer of bacteria that fight beneficial and harmful bacteria. In addition, a recent study found that more than one in four drugs affects naturally occurring bacteria in the gut. This undesirable effect, hitherto unknown, could have a long-term adverse effect on health and contribute to the development of antibiotic resistance without taking antibiotics.

A European research team from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory has discovered an undesirable effect previously unknown in more than a quarter of the more than 1,000 drugs studied. According to this study, one in four drugs has adverse effects on up to 40 different bacterial species, which are critically important to our intestinal flora (microbiome). The exact effects of this influence are not yet known. Researchers believe that a long-term negative effect on health is likely. The results of the study were recently presented in the famous journal "Nature".

Significant ongoing research has found a previously unknown adverse effect on about one in four drugs. Apparently, many more drugs affect our intestinal flora than we thought. The health consequences are currently unknown. (Image: Andreas Schindl /

Intestinal flora gaining importance in health research

Studies conducted over the last decade have repeatedly shown the importance of intestinal microbiome composition for general health. Antibiotics have long been known to cause considerable damage to intestinal flora. The fact that this effect also occurs in many non-antibiotics was previously unknown.

This is only the tip of the iceberg

The current Nature study describes for the first time how about one in four non-antibiotic drug inhibits the growth of various intestinal bacteria. This unknown side effect has been found in drugs of all therapeutic clbades. "It was really surprising how many different types of drugs affect intestinal microbes," group leader Peer Bork said in a press release. Bork considers this discovery solely for the tip of the iceberg. The data from the study suggest that the actual number of drugs with this side effect is even greater.

Side effect with unknown consequence

"We do not yet know how most of these drugs affect microbes, how these effects manifest themselves in the human host and how this affects, for example, the health of patients," adds his colleague Kiran Patil. This relationship needs to be examined quickly to improve the understanding and effectiveness of existing drugs.

Antibiotic resistance without antibiotics

In addition to potential health risks, the influence of intestinal microbes could also contribute to the development of antibiotic resistance without the use of antibiotics. The researchers explain that this is linked to the general resistance mechanisms that act against both antibiotics and other drugs. "It's really scary considering people take drugs all their lives, often over long periods of time," says Nbados Typas of the study team.

In the field of intestinal bacteria, many things are not yet understood

"Fortunately, all non-antibiotics do not affect intestinal bacteria and all resistance will not continue to spread," Typas said. Interestingly, resistance to some non-antibiotics may even increase the effectiveness of some antibiotics. This opens up new possibilities for optimal combinations of drugs.

Each person has a different intestinal flora

"All people differ in the composition of their microbiome, which could explain why different patients react differently to the same drugs," says Georg Zeller of the research team. In addition to some bacterial species that we all have in common, some people would have completely different bacterial strains in their microbiome, the expert said. This pleads in favor of a personalized treatment tailored to the patient's intestinal microbiome. You will find more information on the intestinal flora in the following article: Strengthen the intestinal flora: that's how it works!

The intestine has a huge impact on our health

The exact effects of intestinal microbes are still the subject of much research. It is becoming increasingly clear that the microbiome in the gut has a huge impact on our overall health. For example, the secret of a healthy heart lies in the intestinal flora. This was recently discovered by another research team at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Researchers have shown that changes in the gut microbiome can affect heart health with age. (Vb)

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