The strongest party of the AfD to East – The Union at the bottom of the year


CDU / CSU loses in the latest survey of Emnid voters from the opinion research institute. The Greens are the second most powerful force. The situation is different in the east.

The Union fell to its lowest level this year in the "Sunday trend" for "Bild am Sonntag". In the survey conducted by pollster Emnid CDU / CSU, he lost two points over the previous week, falling to 28%. The Greens, on the other hand, have gained two points and are now the second strongest with 19%. The SPD and the AfD each earn one point, 18 and 13%. The left remained at 9%, the FDP lost one point and 8%. In other surveys, the Union recently reached 30.5%.

According to the "Sunday trend", the AfD is the most powerful force in the East with 23%. Behind them are the CDU (22%), the left (18), the SPD (14) and the Greens (12). The FDP represents 5%, the other parties 6%. In the West, the result of the investigation seems different: here, the CDU (29) faces the Greens (20), the SPD (19), the AfD (11), the FDP (9) and left-wing parties (7). The other parties represent 5%.

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