A barking dog disturbs sleep – a man calls to kill | waz.de


A man from Baden-Württemberg called for leaflets to kill a dog. The animal had disturbed him during his sleep at night.

A man calls to kill a dog – because he barks at night

Many people know that we sleep deeply and deeply until we suddenly hear the barking of the neighbor dog is ripped off sleep. Most turn around and continue to doze.

A man outside Carlsbad in Baden-Württemberg resorted to the most aggressive method. After being disturbed several times by a dog barking in his sleep, he called by brochure kill the animal.

In the leaflets distributed in early October, the man had promised a reward of 1,000 euros for killing the dog and had called a witness author.

Police find enemies

The police intervened after the alleged perpetrator, named by name, had lodged a complaint for defamation. Officers have examined about 20 leaflets in mailboxes, vehicles and on the street in recent weeks.

Compared to previous complaint letters, the investigators discovered formal content and similarities – and identified dog foes two months after the distribution of the slips.

As urgent suspects is a 48 year old. After being confronted with the allegations, the man finally admitted to writing and distributing leaflets, the police said Thursday. He is now awaiting criminal proceedings for defamation and a public request for a criminal offense. (DPA / JHA)

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