A former boss of the Farc asks pardon to the victims of the rebels | TIME ONLINE


Bogotá (dpa) – At the beginning of the trial against the former leaders of the guerrilla organization Farc in Colombia the former commander of the leftist rebels apologized to their victims.

"Many families suffered from pain, anxiety and irreparable loss," Rodrigo Londoño said Friday. "We ask for forgiveness, we will do everything we can to tell the truth, we will take responsibility, we will contribute to the compensation and we will do everything in our power to prevent this from happening again".

To launch the process, the Special Justice for Peace (JEP) convened 32 former Farc commanders. The Attorney General accuses them of kidnapping in nearly 8500 cases. If the ex-rebels give their shares, they will be punished with up to eight years of imprisonment.

In late 2016, the Colombian government and the Farc signed a ten-year civil war with 220,000 dead and millions displaced with a peace treaty. In addition, because of relatively light sanctions, even for the most serious crimes of the former size of the FARC, the peace agreement in Colombia is extremely controversial.

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