A.G. Sulzberger: the boss of the "New York Times" turns against Donald Trump


As A.G. Sulzberger became the new publisher of the "New York Times" in January, at the age of only 37, when he stepped on the tracks. He is the sixth member of the family at the head of the newspaper, which his great-great-grandfather had bought in 1896.

Sulzberger took the lead in difficult times: print market, digital revolution and election of president American Donald Trump. The daily "Fake News" rumbles also the NYT

Above all, the confrontation with Trump is now the biggest test for Sulzberger – with consequences for the entire media scene: suddenly the young "NYT" "- In the role The Endangered Industry's Standard-Bearer, and How the Fight Ends, Remains Unclear

For months, Trump tightened his hatred against the US media, particularly the "NYT", "Washington Post" and CNN. Even when five local journalists were shot dead in Maryland in June, he continued to curse journalists as "enemies of the people," an implicit sanction for violence.

The conflict erupted over the weekend – and middle: Sulzberger The trigger was a meeting with the president in the oval office, which Trump himself initiated, which took place eleven days ago and also served as an inaugural visit to Sulzberger, which brought the head of the "NYT" opinion James Bennett – c as an important witness, as it turned out later.

Subsequently, at the request of the White House, the discretion was accepted: the conversation was "unofficial", as was the case. Who broke this agreement? Trump

What is more, Trump – who is also unleashed against the indiscretions of others – not only made the meeting public, but deformed the content more than ever against the " NYT "- and against critical journalism anyway. 19659006] "Very good and interesting meeting," he tweeted Sunday – to put it a little differently: "We talked about the huge amount of false news circulating in the media and how the term" enemies "is born of the people developed "Sad!"

Sulzberger countered immediately

Of course, "Fake News" as well as "Enemies of the People" are stimulus words that Trump himself circulated to eliminate unpopular media. It's more than just a discussion – but a popular strategy with autocrats.

That's exactly what Sulzberger Trump is trying to explain. That's why he did not take the undisputed tweet: in an unusually strong and lengthy statement, he condemned Trump's "deeply disturbing anti-press rhetoric" – revealing his "characterization of entertainment" as a lie

"I told the president This is not just a means of dissension, but more and more dangerous," writes Sulzberger: "The denigration of journalists as". enemies of the people "" would lead to violence. "Abroad, Trump's rhetoric has already served as a justification for" widespread attacks against journalists. "Human lives are at stake.

In the" NYT, "Sulzberger later released further details, so he warned Trump that some editorial offices were already under the protection of weapons." Trump was surprised – "that the guards who were not there kept a long time ago. "He was also" proud "of having made the term "false news" big.

Trump attacks "unpatriotic" media

Sulzberger's retort could not let Trump, who has a long, love-hate relationship with his former local newspaper "NYT", react and react with all the "Trump haters" in the industry. dying newspapers ": they are" very unpatriotic "in part because they expose" internal negotiations of our government "and thus risked their lives.

With such perversions, Trump continues to stir hatred from his base – who only listens to him. This was also felt last week, when Trump badped the crowd into a Missouri speech: "Stay with us, do not believe the shit you see from these people, these fake news!" He shouted, showing reporters in the lobby, "What you see and what you read is not what happens."

"Trump does not change"

What Trump rightly says is correct: the Orwellian quality of these words escaped most rattles and screams. But the superficial effect – rage on the media – was thus achieved as well as the enigmatic – a devaluation of the reality in favor of a trumpet propagated by Trump.

It's more than Trump's bottomless narcissism, which he sees vilified by the free press. It is the American democracy

and the legacy of the Sulzbergers, the last family of American newspapers. His father ran the NYT for 26 years, his grandfather for 29 years. He himself started his "NYT" career as a local journalist and distinguished himself with an "Innovation Report" on the state of the newspaper.

As a new publisher, he promised, without naming Trump, the media saw "and deliberately" causing confusion "to get up.This moment seems to come now.

It may have to be done. Refrain from new encounters with Trump, that's what Erik Wemple, the Washington Post's media critic, told him: "Trump does not listen, Trump does not change, Trump n & # 39; Is not interested. "

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