A scandal that could be dangerous for Macron



A scandal that could be dangerous for Macron

| Reading time: 4 minutes

A security officer close to the president is under investigation for his presumption and his attack. But the Elysee is silent

I New revelations about the bombing of a security official by President Emmanuel Macron put pressure on the head of state and Minister of the Interior Gerard Collomb. The prosecution has opened a preliminary inquiry against Alexandre Benalla. He was placed in custody on Friday. At the same time, it was announced that the Elysee Palace wants to dismiss the 26-year-old man. The presidency made the decision after new details on Benalla were revealed, said a representative.

Secretary of State Collomb is scheduled to answer the second chamber of parliament next week for answers to the case. Members of the opposition are already demanding his resignation. The case had triggered a report from "The World", Benalla had attacked a young man at a demonstration on May 1 and had boarded him. He was wearing a police helmet even though he was not a cop at all. In addition, Chief of Staff Macrons only allowed him as an observer to participate in the police operation. "

" The World "also posted a video on the Internet, on which Benalla can be seen.Another Macron employee, who accompanied him on May 1, was also placed in custody on Friday. Parliament has now instructed an investigating commission to find out what actually happened and how that could be done.The prosecution accuses the man of using force and of to be mistaken as a policeman.For presumption threatened up to one year in prison and a fine up to 15 000. The Minister of the Interior Collomb would have been informed since May 2, according to " France Inter "Benalla was therefore suspended two weeks ago from the service and then transferred to the administration, had first declared the Elysee Palace.

There, however, it was apparently always safe for major events such as the victory on the Champs-Elysees responsible for the Cup of the m Football boss.The bureau chief Macrons warned Benalla that he would be fired for another offense. However, in early July, he was allowed to move into an outbuilding of the Elysee, on the Quai Branly, not far from the Eiffel Tower, revealed Le Monde.

Although calls are multiplying, Macron must comment on the case. The head of the French state himself covered up to now. During a visit Thursday in Dordogne, he answered the question of a journalist on the question of whether the case had polluted the French Republic: "The Republic is unshakeable". But new details about the security advisor are raised. was allowed to work for the Palais de l'Elysée. Born in Evreux in Normandy, Benalla is said to have a Masters degree in Law and was trained by the Socialist Party order forces. He was reportedly trained by the gendarmerie and would still be a reservist for this police force belonging to the armed forces. He has also worked for a private security firm founded by former police officers.

Benalla worked as a police officer for former Socialist leader Martine Aubry and former President Francois Hollande and as Arnaud Montebourg's chauffeur when he was under Hollande was minister of justice. Industry. Montebourg, former lawyer, but separated from him a few days later. Benalla wanted to commit a raid when he caused an accident, says Montebourg. Later, during the election campaign, Benalla was responsible for Macron's security, and according to "Liberation" he asked for a weapon. But the Interior Ministry refused to do so after inquiring of him. Members of the personal protection would have called Rambo, said a member of the Interior Ministry of the newspaper. Nevertheless, Benalla was named after Macron's electoral victory badistant to the bureau chief of the new head of state.

He has been involved in police operations on a number of occasions, says David Le Bars of the SCPN police union. He had conducted missions without the authorities knowing who gave him the order. But everyone would have known that Benalla had a high position at the Elysee Palace. "The time has come for the preliminary investigation to discover why Mr. Benalla has exceeded his powers and badumed responsibility for regulatory services, even though he was not legitimized to do so", explains Le Bars. We have the feeling that the supporters of the head of state are above the law, says Laurent Wauquiez, the leader of the Republicans. The video of Benalla's attack on May 1 is shocking. "It is clear that Emmanuel Macron must comment and explain this completely," says Wauquiez. [ad_2]
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