A woman gets Knöllchen – because of the pink parking disc – mixed



Traffic regulation

A woman gets Knöllchen – because of a pink parking disc

A woman parks her car, places the parking disk there and gets a nodule. The problem: the color of the parking disk.

Parking disks must be blue - this is prescribed by the Highway Code.

Parking disks must be blue – this is prescribed by the Highway Code.

Photo: Waldmüller / imago / Waldmüller

Sankt Augustin.
Some may think it's a joke, but a motorist Sankt Augustin in North Rhine-Westphalia received a nodule because the Color of his parking disk was wrong. She had put a pink parking disc with the inscription "Lady on Tour" in her car.

On Facebook, the driver of the car complains of the action of the city: "I miss words, they are allowed to use yellow but I am not pink?" She writes. For this, she post a photo of his parking disk and the tuber. There is a handwritten note to read: "The parking disk is invalid Blue to StVO."

StVO prescribes a blue-white parking disk

A reference to the Road Traffic Actagainst which the driver has violated. Because his parking disk was of the wrong color. The badge should always be blue-white and even match a standard size: 11 inches wide and 15 inches tall. If you do not stick, you incur a fine of ten euros, informs the ADAC.

Even though motorists write the time when they parked on a note, there is a problem. There is no way around the blue and white parking disc.

The publication on Facebook explains the meaning of this rule. "Ridiculous. It performs the same function as the blue parking disk, "wrote a user.Other users call the city's action St. Augustine" German madness "or" small ".

The remains, but in their decision: "The pink parking disks are not accepted in Sankt Augustin," said a spokeswoman for the city of Bonn "General-Anzeiger". The lack of a proper parking disc in a set misdemeanor represent.

However, the city gave the green light to the driver of the car in question: "The note was conceived as a friendly hint. precautionary will not be charged. "(jha / dpa)

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